MIND-BLOWING: Blue state ends basic reading and writing skills test requirement for teachers


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From Fox News: Teachers in New Jersey will no longer be required to pass a basic reading, writing and mathematics test to be eligible for public schools, according to a new law.

Act 1669, which was signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy, D., in June, went into effect on Wednesday at the start of the new year. The law aims to tackle teacher shortages in the state by removing what the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), a teachers’ union, called a “barrier” to certification in 2023.

The law states, “[T]he State Board of Education shall not require a candidate seeking a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate to complete a Commissioner of Education-approved test of basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills including, but not limited to, the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, in order to obtain a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate.”

According to the New Jersey Monitor, state Sen. Jim Beach, a Democrat who sponsored the bill, declared, “We need more teachers.  This is the best way to get them.”

A 2024 annual report from the New Jersey Education Department claims the state especially needs math and science teachers.  The report notes that the state actually has a 17% increase in the number of ‘English Language Learner’ (ELL) instructors, but a 9% decrease in world language instructors and an 8% decrease for both math and science teachers. [emphasis added]

This news comes just days after a big discussion erupted on X, with tech executives claiming they need to import more high-skilled foreign workers through the H-1B visa program, as they stated there aren’t enough Americans qualified for STEM careers.  

Now, New Jersey is lowering the requirements for people to teach STEM-related classes.

In November 2023, the New jersey Education Association announced on social media, “We need you to take action! Last year, NJ eliminated the edTPA, a barrier to becoming a certified teacher. Now it’s time to eliminate another barrier: the basic skills test for teachers. Urge Gov. Murphy to sign S1553 right away.”

Murphy did sign the law in June 2024, and it has now gone into effect, as of January 1, 2025.

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