JUST IN: Border crossings drop significantly in June


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In June 2024, illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border reached their lowest level in three years, marking a significant decrease from previous months.

This decline, reported by various sources, follows President Biden’s executive order to curtail asylum and increased efforts by Mexico to stop migrants.

The Border Patrol apprehended approximately 84,000 migrants in June, the lowest monthly level since President Biden took office in January 2021.

This trend is part of a broader decrease in illegal border crossings since early spring, attributed to a combination of factors including U.S. policy changes and the summer heat keeps illegals from making the travel.

The numbers do not include roughly 60,900 migrants encountered at ports of entry in June, largely via the controversial CBP One app, the overwhelming majority of which are released into the US.

They also do not include the up to 30,000 migrants per month paroled into the US via the Biden admin’s controversial CHNV mass parole program that allows migrants to fly directly into the US.

The Biden admin is currently admitting roughly 70,000-80,000 migrants into the US every single month through the use of both these programs – which allow migrants to come into the US lawfully, typically for 2 year humanitarian parole grants – rather than cross the southern border illegally.

Looking at illegal crossings alone – the numbers have fallen off a cliff since Biden’s executive order took effect in early June. Other factors include increased enforcement in Mexico, which suddenly began at the start of 2024 after a winter meeting in Mexico involving Mexican leadership with DHS Sec Mayorkas and Sec of State Blinken, and Texas locking down its border.

Bottom line: The numbers have come down from the record highs of 2023. In May 2023, there was a week where Border Patrol apprehended 80,000 illegal immigrants in a single week. June just had just under 88,000 for the entire month.

Both sides will get talking points out of this data. The Biden admin can say their executive action had a significant impact in curbing illegal crossings, now to the lowest levels of his presidency.

Republicans can ask why executive action wasn’t taken until months before the 2024 election – after the President repeatedly said he had “done all he can do”, and after three years of chaos at the border.