HOLIDAY SWITCH UP: Venezuelan dictator declares an early Christmas celebration in October


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Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has announced plans to move Christmas to October, aiming to distract the public from the ongoing political unrest after the contested presidential election. During his weekly TV appearance, he described the decision as a “tribute” to the Venezuelan people.

“It’s September, and it already smells like Christmas,” Maduro said. “That’s why this year, as a way of paying tribute to you all, and in gratitude to you all, I’m going to decree an early Christmas for October 1.”

Daniel Acosta Rivas, an OSINT analyst from Venezuela, told Fox News Digital the following:

“It’s more evidence that he is desperate to distract people from the fraud he committed on Election Day and the horrible repression we’ve seen in the month since. It’s not enough that he oppresses us, he also has to mock us,” Rivas said. “Just like he can declare himself winner of the election without evidence, on a whim he can decree that Jesus was born on Oct. 1 and that’s when we should celebrate. He is desperate, or he is mocking us – or both.”

Jorge Jraissati, a Venezuelan foreign policy expert, also said that while Maduro’s decision to start Christmas in October seems irrational, it serves to distract from Venezuela’s more profound issues, including political corruption, economic collapse, and mass emigration. The announcement also follows international criticism of Maduro for issuing an arrest warrant against his opponent, Edmundo Gonzalez, whom many still consider the rightful winner of the July 28 election.

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