HOLIDAY HORROR: College students become violently ill during Cancun vacation


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From KOCO 5 ABC News: A group of Oklahomans on a trip to Cancun ended up in a Mexico hospital after two young women got dangerously sick.

A couples’ trip turned into a nightmare for several college students after two girls sitting at the resort bar suddenly got sick. While the group is now back in the U.S., one girl is still in the hospital five days later.

“The last thing they remember is they had asked for a glass of water,” Stephanie Snider, whose son’s girlfriend was hospitalized after a Mexico trip. “Their heads went down. They slumped over on the bar.”

The two girls, Zara and Kaylie, are in their early 20s. Their family thinks they could have been drugged.

The family said Zara started experiencing jerking movements, and was rushed to the hospital. Doctors thought she was having a seizure. After a few days in the hospital with no improvement, the U.S. Embassy urged the group to get back to the US as soon as possible, and Zara was medi-flighted to a hospital in Dallas.

An initial post on a GoFundMe page reads:

Zara, Jake and their families are living a nightmare right now. Thursday Zara and Jake went with friends for a vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Friday afternoon Zara started having seizures. She was transported to a hospital by ambulance. Upon arriving at the hospital there was a $10,000 deposit required for treatment to start. Over the next few hours her seizures continued. A CT was done and showed no cause. She was placed in ICU. Jake would be allowed to see her for 15 mins every four hours. He had to pay $200 to stay in a room at the hospital that night. Her seizures continued during the night. She was intubated. Family is on a plane to get there. The hospital has requested another $25,000 by Sunday morning to continue treatment or $5,000 to release her. An air ambulance is ready to go get her. That is another $26,000 deposit. Total amount will be determined by care given during the flight. The US Embassy is arranging transportation from the hospital to the air ambulance.

Zara has now been transported to Dallas, and is hospitalized there, but the family is still searching for answers, and left with tens of thousands in medical bills.

“We don’t have a toxicology report from Mexico. They said they ran one, but we don’t have it,” the family said.

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