GOOD NEWS: Dad wins full custody of son, 4, after child’s mother allegedly tried to raise him non-binary


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From the New York Post: A California father said he’s been granted full custody of his 4-year-old son following a protracted legal battle with the boy’s mother — who allegedly forced the child to wear dresses and glitter because she wanted to raise him as non-binary.

Harrison Tinsley told “The Daily Signal Podcast” that he prevailed in the years-long court battle to win full physical custody of Sawyer, which the dad likened to “watching a miracle.”

“I know he’s a boy. He wants to be a boy. He adamantly expresses that,” Tinsley told host Virginia Allen. “If you say anything to the contrary, he gets very upset.”

Tinsley alleged that Sawyer’s mother — who he said identifies as a lesbian and non-binary herself — tried to push her gender ideology onto the child from the time he was a baby.

This included a cruel campaign of gaslighting like referring to Sawyer with they/them pronouns over his protestations, and forcing him to wear girls’ diapers, dresses and makeup, the dad claimed.

The Daily Signal first reported the breaking news, in a podcast interview with Tinsley.

According to Tinsley, he was originally excited when his then-girlfriend became pregnant in 2019.  But that excitement didn’t last long, as she abruptly ended their relationship, and then refused to allow him to see the baby until the child was 15 months old.

After years of legal battles, Tinsley was finally able to get custody of his son when an “incident” occurred that prompted Child Protective Services in San Francisco to get involved.  The mother is now required to be subject to regular drug and alcohol testing.

Former transgender Oli London, who is now fighting against the push to transition children, shared the following:

Harrison Tinsley had been blocked from access to his son after the child’s mother forced the boy to wear dresses, makeup and girls diapers because she wanted to raise him as non-binary. The mother who identifies as a non-binary lesbian, pushed gender ideology on their son since birth and gave him They/Them pronouns- according to the father.

The mother previously blocked the child’s father from seeing his son from birth until 15 months old, where he saw his son for the first time. Now after a lengthy custody battle @Harrisontinz has won full custody.

“Thanks for sharing Oli it was an honor to speak with you at amfest!!! Let’s save the kids,” responded Tinsley.

“So relieved and happy that you have got your son back after all of the pain and anguish you have been through. God bless you for fighting for your son all this time. 🙏🏻,” London replied.

WATCH BELOW as Tinsley speaks out in a Fox Business interview:

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