VIDEO: Former FBI agent says he’s been put on FBI terror watchlist


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David Baumblatt, a former FBI Special Agent and now whistleblower who says he is living in exile in Hong Kong, is sounding the alarm over allegations of corruption within the FBI.

Baumblatt says he was born and raised in New York, attended West Point military academy, was a U.S. Army officer, and then entered the FBI in the national security branch as a special agent.

He explains that he left the FBI in 2007 due to the immorality, incompetence and corruption in the agency.

Baumblatt released a book in August 2023, titled, “Patriots Betrayed: A Soldier, Scholar, Spy’s Warning about America’s Leadership Crisis.”

Baumblatt dropped the following comment on a conservative podcaster’s Facebook page this week:

“I am a former FBI Agent and military veteran under an unconstitutional investigation from the corrupt FBI due to my conservative political views. I am on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist. I am currently living overseas, not welcome back to the USA.

Politicians have ignored me and social media has censored me. Please watch and share my pinned video on my Facebook homepage. The collapse of the American Globalist Empire is happening before our eyes. We are losing our Faith, Family, Freedom. Dangerous times are coming. I appreciate your support, please share my video. Thank you.”

Pinned to the top of his personal Facebook page is a video, along with the following account:

To the American People and especially to the American Patriots, I ask for your help. I am a Former FBI Agent and West Point Graduate who is on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist, I am no longer welcome to return to America, in addition I am refused entry into western countries, as my passport has been flagged by the FBI.

The last time I travelled back to America, I was Detained, Searched, Interrogated, Surveiled, Deceived, Humiliated, and Assaulted by the US Government. Illegal Immigrants are welcome into America; however American Military Veterans are not. The corrupt FBI does not have the courage to communicate with me, however they continue to spy upon me behind my back like the East German STASI, despite them having no evidence of me committing illegal activity, their investigation is based on their hatred of my conservative political views.

I have been suspended multiple times on Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok; shadow banned on YouTube, censored on Facebook, ignored by the mainstream media and politicians. Since I am located overseas, unfortunately I am not able to register an account on Trump’s Truth Social.

It is time for transparency, let my case be opened up to the American Public and let judgment by the American people be cast, as opposed from the corrupt globalist American government. It is time for the politicians to stop ignoring me, just like they are ignoring you. You are witnessing the collapse of the American Globalist Empire before your eyes. It is going to get worse before it gets better, this war is not about Republicans vs Democrats, this war will be about Nationalism vs Globalism.

I worked for both the corrupt Boeing and Amazon Corporations in China and have witnessed firsthand how these globalist corporations will sell out Americans for their pursuit of money. The biggest enemy to the American Patriots is the American Globalist Government and Globalist Corporations, they are destroying our Faith, Family, Freedom. Reach to your Bible and reach to your Gun, you will need them both.

If you want to give thanks to a military veteran for his service, then I am asking for your help. Please forward and share my video below to the American People. You can also contact your local congressman or senator and ask them why they are ignoring me, why am I on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist. If our politicians ignore me, then they will also ignore you. I appreciate your support.

Our government has betrayed the patriots, this is no way to treat a military veteran who has honourably served his country. As this corrupt government has crushed me, so too, will it crush you. A war is coming, and God will judge, and wrath will befall our nation.

Through corporate greed and selfishness, we have become a godless nation, we have lost our way with God. Dangerous times are ahead.

The Communist Globalism is destroying our Patriotic Nationalism. May the Sons of Liberty from 1776 muster and give courage to today’s Patriots. May the Ghosts of the Long Gray Line rise and call upon West Pointers to remember their Duty-Honor-Country. Our revolutionary forefathers fought and died to defend our Faith-Family-Freedom. Our globalist corporate government has betrayed us; a revolution is coming. Grip Hands and Lead to Victory.

This video can also be found on Rumble

Please forward this video onward to the American People.

The video was originally posted to Rumble a year ago, on September 1, 2023.



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