FLIP FLOP: Texas Democrat challenging Ted Cruz lands in hot water with LGBTQ activists on eve of pivotal debate


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A Texas Democrat trying to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz attempted to put himself more in the center on the issue of biological males playing in girls’ sports in a new campaign ad.

Now he’s in hot water with the radical progressives who were supporting him, and conservatives are resurrecting his old tweets to expose his major flip-flop on the issue.

From Fox News: Democrat Rep. Colin Allred of Texas is getting pushback from the progressive flank of his party for his most recent attack ad against Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in which he says he doesn’t want “boys playing girls’ sports.” The Allred ad debuted days before he’s set to take the stage Tuesday night in a debate against his Republican opponent in next month’s Senate election.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ lobbying group in the country, endorsed Allred this year. But they’re expecting Allred to explain his comments.

“Texans have, for too many years, been subjected to Ted Cruz’s hate and lies. They are ready to turn the page,” HRC spokesperson Brandon Wolf told LGBTQ media outlet The Advocate.

“Congressman Allred needs to explain his comments in this ad. They simply don’t square with what we know about his record. For years, he has supported our community and worked to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination. Texans deserve to finally have a leader who values equality and freedom.”

Cruz has been highlighting Allred’s support for the radical left agenda, including transgenders being including in girls’ sports.  He released the following ad targeting Allred last month:

Now Allred is trying to deny it, saying in the new video ad, “I’m a dad, I’m also a Christian, and my faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids. So let me be clear, I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports or any of this ridiculous stuff Ted Cruz is saying.”

Transgender journalist Erin Reed slammed Allred, writing in a social media post, “Democratic candidate Colin Allred becomes the first Democratic candidate to capitulate to anti-trans ads and jump into targeting trans people as a result of anti-trans advertisements. Very shortsighted and a stinging betrayal for his potential future LGBTQ constituents.”

The report explains that Texas is one of 23 states that prohibit transgenders from participating in women’s sports. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the law for Texas in October 2021, and Allred has been fiercely opposed to it. Fox writes:

As recently as June 2023, he co-sponsored a law that “would force public schools to allow biologically male athletes who identify as transgender on girls’ sports teams.”

When Abbott signed the bill banning transgenders from girls’ sports into law in October 2021, Allred fumed on social media, “Texas should be a place where our young people can be who they are, free from discrimination. This is yet another dark, shameful moment for our state as the GOP in Texas is more focused on attacking trans students than fixing the real problems we face.”

But Allred’s new ad is a total flip, as he now claims he is opposed to the very thing he has been promoting.

Cruz resurrected Allred’s 2021 tweet and wrote, “Colin Allred called protecting women athletes from competing against biological males “dark” and “shameful.” Now, he is running ads across Texas saying that he doesn’t support having boys compete in girls’ sports. Does any journalist care to ask Colin about this?”

Bob Bishop, a Citizen Journalist & Forensic Investigator, also pounced on the old tweet, writing to Allred, “This didn’t age well. You are toast.”

Cruz responded to Allred’s new ad, saying, “Though Allred denies having believed in letting boys play girls’ sports he supported the Equality Act in both 2021 and 2023, which… would have required public school districts to allow biological males who identify as transgender girls to play on female sports teams.”

Cruz called out Allred in a Fox News interview Monday night, declaring, “Colin Allred is flooding Texas with $100 million worth of lies. He voted to allow boys in girls’ sports, he voted to open our southern border, and he pushed the DoD to pay for “sex changes” for children.”

“Just a week ago, he joined with 100 left-wing Democrats in signing a letter saying the Defense Department should allow drag shows on military bases, that tax payers should pay for sex-change operations for our soldiers, that they should pay for sex-change operations and sterilization for children on military bases, and Colin Allred wants every military base in America to be able to fly the transgender flag above their bases,” Cruz revealed.


Former President Donald Trump confirmed his full endorsement for Cruz in a pair of social media posts on Tuesday.  

While I have Endorsed Ted, on numerous occasions, verbally, because of the Importance of the Race, and Ted’s Importance to the future of our Country, I thought the Endorsement should be memorialized in writing.

Senator Ted Cruz is doing a tremendous job representing the Great People of Texas, a State I love and WON BIG in 2016 and 2020, and, based on the Polls, will win even bigger in November. To the people of Texas, I greatly appreciate your support, and, as you know, I HAVE NEVER LET YOU DOWN!…

During my First Term, Ted worked with me to Deliver Historic Tax Cuts, Relief from Burdensome Regulations, and Unprecedented Economic Success. As the Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce Committee, Ted is leading the way to Stop Inflation, Grow the Economy, Lower Taxes, and Eliminate Government Waste. A tireless Fighter, Ted is working hard to Secure the Border, Stop Migrant Crime, Support our Great Military/Vets, Promote American Energy DOMINANCE, and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment.

Ted is one of the strongest Senators in the Country on Border Security, whereas his Opponent, Colin Allred, is a Radical Open Border Extremist, who will put our Country, and Safety, LAST. Ted, on the other hand, will ALWAYS put Texas, and America, FIRST.

Ted Cruz has my Complete and Total Endorsement – HE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!


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