FAKE OUT: Walz embellished his association with Harvard


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In 2006, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz exaggerated his connection to Harvard University during his congressional campaign.

This embellishment is notable given Walz’s frequent criticism of GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance for attending Yale after overcoming poverty.

Walz’s campaign biography claimed he taught in China through an opportunity offered by Harvard University. A similar statement appeared in his congressional biography and a 2018 version, which suggested his teaching role was linked to a “program at Harvard University,” according to The Washington Free Beacon.

While Walz did teach in China, he was not a Harvard student or alumnus. His teaching was through WorldTeach, a nonprofit started by Harvard undergraduates and once funded by Harvard’s Phillips Brooks House Association, but WorldTeach is not officially affiliated with Harvard.

Walz has since removed any reference to Harvard in his current biographies.

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