EXPOSING KAMALA: Harris endorsed ‘reparations’ for ‘Black people’, social media users respond [VIDEO]


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From Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed “some form of reparations” for “black people,” an unearthed video from 2019 reveals.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans oppose reparations, a Pew Research poll found in 2022.

“I think there needs to be some form of reparations and we can discuss what that is,” Harris told The Root when asked if “black people should get reparations.”

GovTrack’s scorecard ranked Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019, further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), causing the writers of the New York Times to rate Harris as the least electable of ten possible Democrat nominees.


Responses are pouring in, and some of them are EPIC. Below is a sampling:

“Then I want reparations for the economic collapse that the biden administration inflicted upon me,” declared one person.

“I agree. The American people want their money back from decades of wasted taxes and failed Democrat policies. WE WANT A REFUND, YOU FRAUD!” another added.

“She have her checkbook out?” asked Richard Marshall.

“Her family were major slave owners, she can pay them with her own f-in money,” declared Lisa.

Anna Jones wrote, “Can you imagine wanting to profit off the suffering of your ancestors? My ancestors were killed in multiple wars. Should I get reparations? No. That would be an abomination to their memory. The best thing descendants can do to honor their ancestors is to preserve their legacy and be good people.”

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