EMOTIONAL MOMENTS: Trump meets with North Carolina residents affected by hurricane


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After arriving in western North Carolina Friday, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump took time to meet with local residents affected by the deadly and devastating storms four months ago and listen to their stories.

They first shared handshakes and hugs and spoke with a group of people on the tarmac at the Asheville Regional Airport, and then held a meeting with emergency responders and local officials, where they were joined by evangelical leader Franklin Graham.

The President and First Lady then joined Graham as they met with a group of local residents, amid the rubble left behind by the hurricane, floods and tornadoes.

Graham and Trump both spoke during a press briefing, and then Trump turned the microphone over to the people. One by one, they came forward to share their heart-wrenching stories of what they have lost, and the struggles they have faced to survive since the storm hit, without getting the help they needed.

Roads and bridges are still out, homes are destroyed, and debris is everywhere.  Trump promised he will make the resources available to get it all cleaned up.

“I’m pleased to announce that under our leadership, the federal government will be surging housing solutions to this state that go beyond mere temporary hotel stays… and today, I’ll also be signing an Executive Order slashing ALL RED TAPE… to ensure the rapid reconstruction of the roads here,” Trump announced.

As each local resident came forward to share their story, Trump listened with genuine emotion and care, allowing them to speak without any rush.

Below is just one of the heart-wrenching stories.

WATCH the entire emotional event in the video below:

Trump assistant Margo Martin shared a video as they traveled to the site.

One North Carolina resident, Matt Van Swol, a former nuclear scientist for the US Department of Energy, shared his elation over Trump’s visit in multiple posts on X.

In one post, he wrote, “#BREAKING: President Trump says he has sent the Army Corps of Engineers BACK to Western North Carolina to rebuild all the bridges and roads!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!!!!!!!!!! SO YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT BIDEN COULD DO THIS THE ENTIRE TIME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

In another post, Van Swol posted a video of the total devastation and wrote, “So let me just get this straight… President Trump is sending the Army Corps of Engineers BACK to Western North Carolina to help us fix ALL the roads and bridges ….SO CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY DIDN’T BIDEN DO THIS FOR US ANY TIME IN THE PAST 4 MONTHS?!!!!!!!”

President Trump, who is standing in Swannanoa, has said: “I have a very simple message for the people of Western North Carolina: YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN ANY LONGER!!!”

Trump is literally standing 20 feet from where I shot all the drone videos you have seen on X. This is surreal.

Trump says “we are slashing ALL red tape to rebuild Western North Carolina…… we are going through a permitting process called: “NO PERMITTING JUST GET IT DONE!”

I’m just crying my eyes out. President Trump is just letting the people of Western North Carolina speak for the first time. THIS IS MY PRESIDENT.

VIDEO: Trump torches FEMA over lack of response in North Carolina, proposes massive changes

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