EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Biden yells at staffers after losing track at event with foreign leader


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From Fox News: President Biden became confused and lost track of events during a press conference alongside India’s prime minister on Saturday.

The incident came when Biden was supposed to introduce Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Wilmington, Delaware. He instead became confused and appeared to think he was waiting for a question from reporters. An announcer then introduces Modi following an uncomfortable pause.

“I want to thank you all for being here,” Biden said. “Now, who am I introducing next?”

“Who’s next?” he shouts, leading to several seconds of silence.

An announcer then cuts in to introduce Modi, who approaches Biden and shakes his hand.

“Distinguished guests… the Prime Minister of the Republic of India!” a female announcer says over the loudspeaker.

Political commentator “Gunther Eagleman” shared a video of the awkward moment and wrote, “We really don’t have a president. Biden completely FORGOT he was at a press conference with the Prime Minister of India. The entire world is laughing at us. This guy is COOKED.”


Below are just some of the comments being posted in response to the video:

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