EMBARRASSING GAFFE: Biden calls another foreign leader ‘President Putin’


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From Newsweek: President Joe Biden accidentally called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “Putin,” during a speech about the United States supporting Ukraine.

Biden’s comment comes less than an hour before a press conference that Democrats consider pivotal to his ability to remain the nominee. He’s faced increasing pressure from Democrats, donors and famous supporters to step down from the presidential campaign since the presidential debates. Some Democrats have called for withholding judgement until his NATO summit press conference on Thursday evening.

Less than an hour before the press conference, Biden attended an event to celebrate the Ukraine Compact, a bilateral agreement unifying countries in their support of Ukraine. He praised Zelensky for his determination and courage, but, as he was introducing him to speak, the president made a mistake.

“And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he does determination, President Putin,” Biden said.

The audience started applauding, then Biden realized his mistake and tried to fix it, saying Zelenskyy is going to “beat President Putin.”


Bizarrely, the Biden-Harris campaign then posted a video of the embarrassing gaffe: