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DML’s last podcast for 2024 played yesterday, Dec. 20. He and Miss Mary hosted a Wine & Talk. They announced some great things regarding DML CBD and TeamDML for the upcoming year (2025).
One of those great things is DML CBD has added one more SITE-WIDE BOGO to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. It started yesterday (12/20), and it ends on New Year’s Eve at 11:59 EST. All items are available, including our recently sold out Miracle Me CBD 1600mg Premier. But shipping of these items will not take place until the first week of January.
In addition, your order will include a COUPON for 2025. The COUPON will offer you FREE shipping on your next order in 2025.
As always, this offer is based on available inventory. First-come, first-served. Do not wait until the podcast goes LIVE. Get in there now.
The site-wide BOGO is live NOW!