CONSPIRACY?: Kennedy’s 9/11 Stance Sparks Controversy


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently stated that, as president, he would refrain from taking sides on the events of 9/11 or other contentious debates, citing the difficulty of distinguishing between conspiracy theories and facts due to widespread government misinformation.

His stance has sparked widespread criticism and ridicule from commentators and public figures. Many argue that there is no ambiguity about the events of 9/11, which have been extensively documented and investigated.

Critics contend that Kennedy’s position is not only irresponsible but also dangerous, as it undermines public trust in established historical facts and could fuel conspiracy theories. The backlash raises concerns about the implications of having a leader who is hesitant to affirm well-documented events such as the 9/11 terror attack.

Here is RFK Jr.’s tweet and responses to his statement: