CLAIM: Hunter Biden artworks worth ‘millions of dollars’ destroyed in LA fires, House burned to ground


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Hunter Biden may have received a pardon from his father, but his problems are still not over….

From the New York Post: A trove of nearly 200 artworks by Hunter Biden has been destroyed — one of the casualties of the wildfires ravaging Los Angeles, The Post has learned.

The controversial art had been in storage near the Pacific Palisades home of Hunter’s Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris and is valued at “millions of dollars,” a source close to the Biden family said.

Morris, who loaned the first son nearly $5 million to help pay a tax bill and has been financing a documentary on him, lives in a sprawling five-bedroom, six-bathroom home which is among the few houses still intact in the posh neighborhood, The Post can confirm.

A Soho gallerist who represented the first son’s work and had organized solo shows of his paintings in Los Angeles and New York from 2021 said he broke ties with Hunter last year. 

“I don’t know what’s happening with the art,” said gallery owner Georges Berges. “I have some of his work on canvas, some metal pieces at the gallery.”

The report notes that Hunter’s artwork has been valued as high as $500,000 per piece, but Berges said the average price per piece was more like $85,000.

Presumedly, much of it didn’t sell, if 200 pieces were still being stored by his attorney, as the New York Posts suggests.

It is unknown whether the artwork was insured.

Last week, the Daily Mail reported that the home Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen, were renting in Malibu also burned to the ground in the wildfire.

Hunter was reportedly renting the ritzy $4 million house for $15,800 per month. Also destroyed in the inferno was the house next door, which was being rented by the Secret Service for $16,000 per month, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.

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