BREAKING: State’s highest court issues ruling on NYC law allowing noncitizens to vote


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From the New York Post: The Big Apple’s controversial law allowing noncitizens to vote in city elections was struck down by the state’s highest court Thursday.

New York Court of Appeals judges found in 6-1 opinion that the law – passed by the City Council in late 2021 – violated the state constitution.

“Whatever the future may bring, the New York Constitution as it stands today draws a firm line restricting voting to citizens,” the opinion states.

The ruling closes the matter in the state’s court and dashes hopes by many lefty City Council members and advocates that the city’s 800,000 green card holders get a voice in local elections.

Although New York’s state constitution appears to clearly limit voting to US citizens, supporters of the “Local Law 11” bill had argued that noncitizens in the U.S. legally should be able to vote, claiming that they also pay taxes and make contributions to their communities.

In its opinion, the court wrote, “This appeal is not about whether enfranchising noncitizens to vote in municipal elections is good policy. That is a political question expressly reserved for local legislative bodies.”

More from Fox5:

Local Law 11, enacted in 2022, would allow anyone living in New York City to vote for mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president and City Council.

According to estimates, it would have allowed an additional 800,000 noncitizens in NYC eligible to register to vote, according to a Politico report.

The bill was purportedly intended to address representation concerns in a city with 40% of its population being foreign-born.

State Sen. Andrew Lanza, a Staten Island Republican, told Politico, “It’s hard to discuss because it’s crazy it’s even an issue. Citizens ought to vote; if you’re not a citizen of a country, you should not have a say.”

Conservatives are cheering the major win:

The New York Republican Party wrote, “New York‘s highest court today upheld the fact that ONLY CITIZENS MAY VOTE in our elections. A great victory for election integrity!”

However, Elon Musk brought the celebrations back to reality, pointing out that New York STILL has NO VOTER ID requirements.

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