BREAKING: Muslim Democrat mayor in battleground state endorses Trump


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Hamtramck, Michigan Mayor Ameer Ghalib, who is a Muslim and a Democrat, announced Sunday afternoon that he is officially endorsing former President Donald Trump for president.

Ghalib, an immigrant from Yemen who came to the United States at the age of 17, was elected mayor of Hamtramck in November 2021, becoming the city’s first Muslim mayor. Hamtramck is a suburb of Detroit. Nearly 100 years ago, Hamtramck’s population was about 83 percent polish, but today, only about 8 percent of the residents are Polish. Currently, over half of Hamtramck’s population is Muslim.

Breitbart explained:

Ghalib was one of the leaders of the effort to get Muslim Democrats to vote “Uncommitted” against Biden earlier this year in the Democrat primary in Michigan, and then that movement transformed first into the “Abandon Biden” effort in the general election and has now become the “Abandon Harris” movement.

Last Tuesday, Sept. 17, Trump participated in a town hall event in Flint, Michigan alongside Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Ghalib announced in a Facebook post that Trump had asked to meet with him prior to the event in Flint, and said he spoke with the former president for about 20 minutes.

“It’s a new era! Today, with Mr. President Donald Trump,” Ghalib wrote. “Today, I had a closed meeting with President Trump for 20 minutes, before the town hall in Flint. We discussed many topics. I’ll discuss the details later. I received a special invitation from Mr. President Trump, and I met him in a closed session today before the festival held in Flint, the meeting lasted about 20 minutes. During this we discussed many issues. Will talk about details later.”

Ghalib then posted a video statement, explaining more of his discussions with Trump. He said he brought a letter to give Trump, because when he had previously met with Joe Biden, he had only been allowed a few minutes. However, he noted that Trump gave him a full 20 minutes ti discuss his concerns.

Sunday afternoon, Ghalib made an official endorsement for Trump.  He wrote in a Facebook post:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me be clear, so our expectations are realistic. President Trump and I may not agree on everything, but I know he is a man of principles.

Though it’s looking good, he may or may not win the election and be the 47th president of the United States, but I believe he is the right choice for this critical time. I’ll not regret my decision no matter what the outcome would be, and I’m ready to face the consequences.

For this, and for many other reasons, I announce my support and endorsement for the former, and hopefully, the next president of the United States, Donald Trump.
Now, let the Caravan begin its journey. This is just the starting point.

Amer Ghalib
Hamtramck City Mayor.

Trump responded to the endorsement in a statement to Breitbart:  “I was very impressed with him and he was a very big fan of the Trump administration because he saw no wars — outside of defeating ISIS, but I inherited that — but there were no wars. There was no October 7. There was no Russian attack on Ukraine. He sees that and he told me — he saw a world that was at peace. Now, we have a world that’s going to end up in World War 3 and I can stop that. I’m the only one that’s going to stop that.”

Breitbart noted that the endorsement is “monumental” and wrote, “If even a fraction of this community breaks with Harris and joins Ghalib in backing Trump for president this year, it could prove devastating to [Kamala] Harris’s electoral prospects.”

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