BREAKING: Gold star mom, voting machine ‘whistleblower’, sentenced to PRISON


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A Republican “gold star” mother and former clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, has just been sentenced to 9 years in prison by Democrat-appointed judge for her well-intentioned efforts to preserve records on Dominion voting machines after the 2020 election.

From CBS News: Former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters was sentenced to 8-and-a-half years in prison and additional time to be served in the Mesa County Detention Center for a total of nine years incarceration on Thursday. She was convicted on 7 of 10 counts in her Colorado election interference case in August.

In her trial, the jury found Peters guilty of three counts of attempting to influence a public servant, one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty and failing to comply with Colorado’s Secretary of State. She was acquitted of an additional count of criminal impersonation, a charge of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation and an identity theft charge.

Judge Barrett sentenced Peters to eight-and-a-half years in the Colorado Department of Corrections for counts one, two, four, and six, and the additional time in the Mesa County Detention Center for counts eight, nine and 10.

Peters had pleaded not guilty to all counts in 2022. The charges stemmed from Peters allowing a county security card to be misused to give a man access to the Mesa County election system and for deceiving other officials about that man’s identity. That man was affiliated with My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell.

More from USA TodayPeters, 68, was indicted in March 2022 after prosecutors said she improperly permitted someone to copy access passwords and other files from a secure voting system and post them online, exposing the machines to hackers.

The county’s machines had to be replaced because data, which included passwords for the machines, were all posted on the internet. Peters claimed that she did not know the information was being made public.

Ahead of sentencing on Thursday, Peters spoke for about 40 minutes, attempting to use her time to present evidence that had been struck down as “conspiracies” about voting machines and ruled as “inadmissible” during the trial.

“I did my best to serve this county and I hope you find it in your heart to not sentence me to… I don’t deserve to be in prison. I can do a lot more good, a lot more good out helping people. If you tell me not to talk about the election, I won’t talk about the election,” Peters said.

“I’m not a criminal and I don’t deserve to go into a prison where other people have committed heinous crimes,” Peters tearfully added.  The report notes that she showed the judge pictures of her deceased husband and her son, a Navy Seal who died in the line of duty, and asked for probation in order to continue visiting her 95-year-old mother in Virginia.

“I’m remorseful. Yes sir, I really am,” said Peters. “I never expected that just doing an image which was completely legal, before and after the trusted build would’ve landed me here.”

During the sentencing, Judge Matthew Barrett snarled at Peters, “It’s just more lies. No objective person believes them. No, at the end of the day, you cared about the jets, the podcasts and people fawning over you.”

“I am convinced you would do it all over again if you could. You’re as defiant as any defendant this court has ever seen. You are no hero. You’re a charlatan who used, and is still using, your prior position in office to peddle a snake oil that’s been proven to be junk time and time again,” the judge continued, venom dripping from his voice.

Peters was immediately taken into custody after the sentencing on Thursday and escorted to the Mesa County Detention Center where she will begin serving her sentence. She will have just 21 days to appeal her sentence, the report explains.

A statement posted on Peters’ X account reads:

Gold Star mother Tina Peters was sentenced today to nine years in prison.

Tina faithfully performed her duties as clerk and revealed evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election as well as the 2020 general election, through the use of the Dominion brand voting machines used in Mesa County 2020.

The public has this information because of Tina’s brave decision to expose the truth and utilize top qualified expert, Conan Hayes, cyber security expert with security clearances. Judge Barrett did not allow the jury to learn law regarding execution of public duty which entitles Tina to immunity in order to expose the truth and ensure that Mesa County held fair and accurate elections.

Judge Barrett failed to allow Tina to present evidence, and he will be overturned on appeal like he has been in other cases. The constitution requires fair and unbiased trials. After trial, a private investigator learned that one of Tina’s jurors was angry and biased and thought Tina cut her phone wires. This did not happen, nor was it ever disclosed to the court, and Tina will likely get a new trial ordered by the court of appeals. Judge Barrett denied her request for a new trial finding “no evidence of prejudice.”

Today Tina was strong for you, just like for the past 4 years, demonstrating strength and perseverance for your freedom.

For more details and to follow future developments in Tina Peter’s case, please visit and

Conservatives have reacted in outrage over the draconian sentence for Peters.

Rogan O’Handley wrote, “This is an injustice Tina Peters is a Gold Star Mom with no criminal record Her son was a Navy SEAL who died serving our country Tina was a Mesa County election clerk and was told by corrupt Sec of State Jenna Griswold to delete election data on voting machines Tina made a copy first to prove election fraud And now a Democrat-appointed judge just threw this 69 year old woman in prison, possibly for the rest of her life She is a political prisoner.”

Patrick Colbeck, author of “The 2020 Coup: What Happened. What We Can Do,” posted the following statement:

REMINDER: Here is what was revealed because Mesa County, CO Clerk Tina Peters made a copy of her Dominion Election Management System (EMS) Server before being “serviced” by Dominion and after being “serviced”.
– Election records needed to support a post-election audit were deleted in violation of state and federal law.
– Demonstrates Dominion Voting System vulnerabilities and the presence of non-certified software capable of changing election results without detection.
– 36 wireless devices were found in County EMS system in violation of law and certification requirements.
– Shows manipulation of votes. New election results databases were created during the middle of voting without any direction from clerks. Digital vote records were “reloaded” into new databases faster than any possible scan of ballots. Not all previous vote records were “reloaded”.
See Forensic Reports at:

Journalist George Behizy wrote, “BREAKING: Tina Peters, the gold star mom and former clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, has just been sentenced to 9 years in prison by a corrupt judge for preserving records on the Dominion voting machines before they could delete everything

“This is in the same state that loves releasing the worst offenders back on the streets. Upholding federal law by backing up election records before deletion is a bigger crime to them than murder, theft, and even migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings. Pray for Tina Peters.”

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