BREAKING: Calif Senate votes on bill allowing illegal aliens to get taxpayer-funded downpayment assistance on home loans


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A controversial bill proposed by a Democrat lawmaker in California has just passed on Tuesday, opening the way for illegal aliens to get up to $150,000 in tax-payer funded downpayment assistance to purchase their own home.

The bill, AB 1840, passed Tuesday in a 23-11 vote in the California State Senate.

The bill is not headed to the governor’s desk just yet.  Since a change was made in the state senate, the bill goes back to the California state assembly where it is expected to pass again and then be sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom for his signature.

The New York Post explained:

The bill introduced by Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) would grant some undocumented immigrants eligibility to apply to the state’s Dream for All home loan program that awards first-time home buyers up to 20% in down payment assistance of no more than $150,000 through a lottery system.

The program is currently available to low- and middle-income first-time home buyers in California and Arambula’s bill aims to open it up to tax-paying, undocumented immigrants.

“This bill would specify that an applicant who meets all other requirements for a loan under the program including, but not limited to, any requirements imposed on the agency in administering the program by specified entities, and who is otherwise eligible under applicable federal and state law, shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status,” the legislation states.

An illegal alien must have a taxpayer ID number or a Social Security number in order to be eligible for the downpayment assistance.

“We simply wanted to be as inclusive as possible within our policies so that all who are paying taxes here in our state were able to qualify,” Arambula had declared earlier, when touting the legislation he had proposed.

Denise Aguliar, Candidate for Assembly District 13, explained:

CA state Senate just approved a bill that allows illegal immigrants to obtain zero interest home loans — and amended the bill to expand it to include any low income home programs offered by the state. California lawmakers in the State Senate approve AB 1840, allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for the state’s first time homebuyer’s program.

The bill heads back to the Assembly for final approval because of changes made in the State Senate.

State Sen. Dave Min said he wasn’t supporting because of overall concerns with the program. It ran out of funds within its first 11 days.

Bill goes back to Assembly where it’s expected to pass.

Again the process is taken away from stakeholders – YOU- after the bill is amended and passed without having discussions with constituents. Lawmakers have failed to represent the people.

California Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones voiced his outrage after the vote, saying in a statement, “California Democrat lawmakers just passed AB 1840 to give illegal immigrants up to $150,000 in home loans with $0 down. This is insulting. Every dollar that goes to an illegal immigrant is one less dollar available to legal residents including veterans, teachers, and families. California already spends $5 billion per year on free healthcare for illegal immigrants—will it ever be enough for Democrats’ political agendas?”

DMLNewsApp and founder Dennis Michael Lynch weighed in on the wild proposal during his podcast on Tuesday, before the California Senate had voted to pass the bill.

“If Gavin signs it into law, you know he knows illegals vote,” DML said.


Jim Desmond, San Diego County Supervisor, also blasted the bill Tuesday morning.

“California’s Legislature is considering AB 1840 — a disastrous proposal to offer state-backed home loans of up to $150,000 to illegal immigrants. This isn’t just misguided; it’s an outrageous betrayal of every hardworking taxpayer in our state. It is just part of the continued effort by the state to incentivize illegal immigration through numerous handouts,” Desmond declared.

Journalist Katya Sedgwick warned, “The program will bring more money into the housing market, pricing more Americans out of the Golden State. Kamala Harris is the product of the same political machine that gave us AB1840. We should reasonably expect similar measures on the federal level.”

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