BREAKING: Biden-Harris Labor Dept makes HUGE ‘correction’ in jobs report [TRUMP RESPONDS]


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CNBC reported: The U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than originally reported in the 12-month period through March 2024, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.

As part of its preliminary annual benchmark revisions to the nonfarm payroll numbers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the actual job growth was nearly 30% less than the initially reported 2.9 million from April 2023 through March of this year.

The revision to the total payrolls level of -0.5% is the largest since 2009. The numbers are routinely revised each month, but the BLS does a broader revision each year when it gets the results of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.

Wall Street had been waiting for the revisions numbers, with many economists expecting a sizeable reduction in the originally reported figures.

The report quotes Jeffrey Roach, chief economist at LPL Financial, as saying, “The labor market appears weaker than originally reported. A deteriorating labor market will allow the Fed to highlight both sides of the dual mandate and investors should expect the Fed to prepare markets for a cut at the September meeting.”

The Trump War Room provided a list of the number of ‘jobs’ that have now vanished:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just made their largest downward revision to the jobs numbers in 15 years:

📉Total jobs: -818,000
📉Manufacturing: -115,000
📉Trade, Transportation, & Utilities: -104,000
📉Professional & Business Services: -358,000
📉Leisure & Hospitality: -150,000

Meanwhile, 1.2 million native born Americans lost employment over the last year while 1.3 million foreign born workers found jobs.

This is your “record job growth” that Kamala and Biden love to talk about.

Former President Donald Trump, the 2024 Republican nominee, reacted in a scathing statement on his Truth Social page:

MASSIVE SCANDAL! The Harris-Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating Job Statistics to hide the true extent of the Economic Ruin they have inflicted upon America. New Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the Administration PADDED THE NUMBERS with an extra 818,000 Jobs that DO NOT EXIST, AND NEVER DID.

The real Numbers are much worse than that and, if Comrade Kamala gets another four years, millions more Jobs will VANISH overnight, and Inflation will completely destroy our Country. YOUR LIFE SAVINGS WILL BE WIPED OUT. With a TRUMP VICTORY, we will once again have the Greatest Economy in History. MAGA2024!

The Labor Department also announced, “Consumer prices up 2.9 percent from July 2023 to July 2024.”

The Trump War Room broke it all down, noting the jobs numbers Biden and Harris have been touting are all false.

The numbers do not lie: Biden and Kamala have been lying about their policies resulting in a record growth in manufacturing jobs, as their government cooked the books to cover for them.

Lets break it down:

– Biden claims that since he took office that he “created” a record 765k manufacturing jobs.
– But when you revise for jobs that were not “created” but added back after covid lockdowns ended, the number is actually 173k manufacturing jobs.
– That number has now been downwardly revised by the Bureau of Labor Statistics by -115k manufacturing jobs.

So in reality: the “manufacturing boom” that Biden and Kamala love to talk about amounts to a grand total of 58K manufacturing jobs that have actually been “created” since they took office.

Compare that to President Trump, who created half a million manufacturing jobs before the China virus.

CNN had to break the news:

“Harris & Biden have destroyed the American economy. It will only get worse if she gets another four years! Vote for Trump!” declared Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.).

U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake wrote, “The number of jobs created since March 2024 was revised down to 818,000. The largest downward revision in 15 years! This economic recovery that Biden-Harris are bragging about is a shell game. They are artificially inflating numbers to try to fool the American people.”

Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro wrote:

This is amazing for two reasons.
1. They’ve been lying for a year about Biden job creation.
2. They’re dumping this data just in time to justify a Federal Reserve interest rate decrease for the election.

This comes just as Joe Biden bragged in his speech at the DNC Monday night about all the jobs he had created:

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