BREAKING: Biden considering new plans with 2024 presidential race


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According to discussions among Democratic lawmakers and close allies, President Joe Biden is reportedly contemplating withdrawing from the presidential race. These reports indicate that Biden has privately acknowledged the critical importance of the coming days for his reelection campaign.

The discussions among Democrats come amid growing concerns that Biden’s candidacy could jeopardize the Democratic Party’s control of Congress. Some party members fear that his continued presence in the race might weaken the party’s overall chances in the upcoming elections. The uncertainty surrounding Biden’s potential withdrawal has sparked intense debate within the Democratic Party about the best path forward.

Additionally, concerns about Biden’s age and health have been points of contention among both supporters and critics. These issues have further fueled speculation about whether he is the best candidate to lead the party in the next election. The White House’s firm denial aims to quell these rumors, but the ongoing discussions suggest that the topic remains a significant concern within the Democratic Party. The next few days are seen as pivotal in determining Biden’s future and the party’s strategy moving forward.