Bombshell report shines light on birthright citizenship as President Trump vows to end it


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From Fox News: The birthright citizenship debate exploded back into the national discourse this week after President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning it.

Trump’s ban was slated to take effect on Feb. 19, but a federal judge in Seattle on Thursday temporarily blocked the order. Some experts believe the issue will eventually be settled by the Supreme Court.

Should the ban eventually go into force, it would likely impact tens of thousands of children born to the parents of illegal immigrants.

The Center for Immigration Studies released a report on Friday that reveals a shocking estimate of just how many ‘anchor babies,’ or babies born to illegal aliens, are actually born in the United States each year.

“… based on how births to illegal immigrants have compared to births to noncitizens in the past, our back-of-the-envelope estimate right now is that there were 225,000 to 250,000 births to illegal immigrants in 2023, amounting to close to 7 percent of births in the U.S. We will revise these numbers as we obtain more data,” the CIS announced in their report.

“Up to a quarter million births to illegal immigrants is hardly trivial. It appears to be more than the number of births to legal noncitizens, and it is greater than the total number of births in all but two states taken individually. Although not yet available, the 2024 numbers are likely to be even higher,” the report also states.

BREAKING: Federal judge blocks Trump order on birthright citizenship nationwide


LAWSUITS BEGIN: The ACLU and 22 states sue in attempt to stop Trump’s birthright citizenship order

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