Biden’s Debate Woes: Family Weighs Re-Election at Camp David


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Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with his family at Camp David.

The gathering of Biden family members follows a debate performance that has raised concerns among Democrats about his ability to defeat President Trump in the upcoming election.

Reports suggest that Biden appeared humiliated and lacking in confidence after the debate, with some speculating that his wife, Jill, may play a significant role in his decision-making process.

Despite these concerns, Biden has expressed his determination to continue his campaign, emphasizing his commitment to securing re-election.


Victoria Brownworth is a journalist who labels herself as a socialist.

Emma Vigeland is a radio show host, and a Pro-Palestine supporter.

Palmer Report is a left leaning account on Twitter.

Simon Ateba is the Chief White House Correspondent at Today News Africa in Washington DC.
He writes:
“Forget what you watched on Fox News; their so-called ‘experts’ and ‘analysts’ are completely wrong. If Joe Biden withdraws from the presidential race tomorrow, July 1, 2024, after meeting with his family today, Sunday, June 30, 2024, which is 127 days before November 5, 2024, Election Day, here’s what would likely happen:

NOTE: Typically, states do not print presidential candidate names on ballots before the party conventions. The conventions are key events where the parties formally nominate their candidates, and only after these nominations are official do states begin the process of finalizing ballots.

NOTE: The 2024 Democratic National Convention is scheduled to take place from August 19 to August 22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

NOTE: It’s only after the convention that states would print the names of the nominees on the ballots, not before. Complications arise when the convention has taken place and states have printed the names of the presidential and vice-presidential nominees on the ballots.

So here is what would happen when or if Joe Biden withdraws:

1. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) would convene an emergency meeting to nominate a new candidate. The process would involve discussions among party leaders, delegates, and committee members.

2. The DNC would vote to select a replacement candidate. The person could be the vice-presidential presumptive nominee, Kamala Harris, a runner-up from the primaries, or another prominent party member, Gavin Newsom, Hillary Clinton, or Michelle Obama, etc.

3. The DNC would need to act quickly to meet various state deadlines for submitting a new candidate’s name. States have different deadlines for finalizing ballots, but since it is still June, there is likely time to update ballots in many states.

4. For states where ballots have already been printed (very unlikely since the parties have not selected their presidential nominees yet), it might not be possible to change the name. In these cases, the party would need to inform voters that a vote for the withdrawn candidate will count for the new nominee.

5. The DNC and election officials would need to launch a comprehensive communication campaign to inform voters of the change. That campaign would involve press releases, social media updates, emails, and possibly mail notifications.

6. Clear instructions would be provided to voters to ensure they understand that votes for the original candidate will be counted for the new nominee.

7. The DNC would instruct electors pledged to the original candidate to vote for the new nominee. This ensures that even if the original candidate’s name remains on the ballot and receives votes, the electoral votes would go to the new candidate.

8. The DNC would work closely with state election officials to ensure compliance with state-specific laws and deadlines.

9. There might be legal challenges or need for court rulings to address any disputes or complications arising from the candidate switch. The DNC would need to be prepared to handle these swiftly.

10. As you can see, if Biden announces tomorrow after consulting with his family today, Sunday, that he’s not running, the situation would require rapid and coordinated action from the DNC to ensure the new candidate is effectively placed on the ballot and voters are fully informed of the changes.

11. It therefore false that states cannot change the names on the ballots. States print the name of the presidential candidate only after they are officially the nominee, which occurs after the convention. Currently, candidates are considered presumptive nominees, not official nominees.