WATCH: Chris Cuomo Unloads On Elizabeth Warren For Attacking RFK Jr.


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From the Daily Caller: NewsNation host Chris Cuomo accused Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday of hypocrisy during her questioning of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at his confirmation hearing.

Warren pressed Kennedy to “commit” to not accepting compensation for any lawsuits against drug companies during his potential tenure at HHS and for four years after, leading to a heated exchange. Cuomo, on “CUOMO,” suggested that Warren’s record, which includes becoming substantially wealthier while in office and misrepresenting her Native American heritage, should have disqualified her from such questioning of Kennedy.

“There have been questions about her, how much money she was worth when she came in. Now she’s worth a lot more. How’d that happen? How’d that happen? So, you know, I was there when Elizabeth Warren was first introduced to the national audience,” Cuomo said. “I was at ABC. She was brought in as a fair broker in the recession of 2008 about the bail outs and the big shots and TARP [Troubled Asset Relief Program] and TALF [Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility]. And she was great at that. But now she’s just playing the game.”

“Here’s why I say that: how can she be so angry at Kennedy for parsing a position on something as common as making money after when he’s done serving when she has a history of fudging on a position that actually mattered?” he asked.

Cuomo then recalled Warren’s wild claims in the past that she was Native American, and her admission later that it wasn’t true at all.

“She was exaggerating. I got high cheekbones too. I’m not Indian,” Cuomo quipped, adding, “This is why Trump mocked her as Pocahontas, which was classless by the way. But the point remains she’s no one to come at Kennedy for like kind of saying something at one thing when it worked and then changing. It’s called politics, let alone in this high dudgeon. Have some shame. But of course she won’t. Why? Because, there’s no shame in the game.”


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