REPORT: First transgender attorney to argue before the Supreme Court, challenging state’s ban on puberty blockers for minors


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From the Associated Press: When the Supreme Court this week wades into the contentious issue of transgender rights, the justices will hear from an attorney with knowledge that runs deep.

Chase Strangio will be the first openly transgender attorney to argue before the nation’s highest court, representing families who say Tennessee’s ban on health care for transgender minors leaves their children terrified about the future.

Arguments in the case come amid heightened pushback to transgender rights, including a presidential campaign where Republican Donald Trump put his fierce opposition front and center.

“I am able to do my job because I have had this health care that transformed and, frankly, saved my life,” Stangio claimed. “I am a testament to the fact that we live among everyone.”

Tennessee, meanwhile, will argue before the Supreme Court that treatments like puberty blockers and hormones carry risks for young people and its law protects them from making treatment decisions prematurely.

Strangio, 42, a biological woman, came out as transgender while attending law school.

Strangio is now an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, and has represented former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, challenged a ban on transgender people serving in the military and helped win an LGBTQ+ worker-discrimination case at the Supreme Court.

The report states that Strangio is the “father” of a 12-year-old child, and notes that Strangio’s own father is a Trump supporter.

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