REPORT: Climate Doomers Slam $300 Billion a Year Funds Transfer from West as ‘Paltry’


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From Breitbart: Environmental negotiators at the U.N.’s COP29 climate alarmism summit issued their once and final demand Sunday for a $300 billion a year pledge from wealthy countries to gift poorer countries between now and 2035.

Climate doomers quickly wailed that was not nearly enough and demanded more – much more – to take the sum to $400 billion at least.

COP29, formally the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is the 19th edition of the U.N.’s official assembly to discuss how to address the alleged global climate crisis.

Around 50,000 people flew in from around the world for the two-week talkfest.

AFP reports some 200 nations pushed through the contentious finance pact at the meeting in the early hours in a sports stadium in Azerbaijan.

However, the report notes that climate activists from multiple countries had a meltdown, and raged that the $300 billion deal was not nearly enough to satisfy them.

India’s delegate Chandni Raina raged, “It’s a paltry sum! This document is little more than an optical illusion. This, in our opinion, will not address the enormity of the challenge we all face.”

“This is an insult!” declared Nigeria’s envoy Nkiruka Maduekwe.

And Sierra Leone’s climate minister Jiwoh Abdulai claimed that the sum showed a “lack of goodwill” from rich countries.

Meanwhile, President-elect Donald Trump has again vowed to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement.

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