NEWS ALERT: Data guru says HUGE chance the election ends with an ‘Electoral College blowout’ [VIDEOS]


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From Fox News: CNN data expert Harry Enten said that despite being a close race on the surface, there is a high chance that the election will actually end with the winner receiving over 300 Electoral College votes.

CNN news host John Berman noted that the election seems “historically close,” but asked, “What if it’s not?” He then turned to CNN senior political data reporter Enten to break down the numbers and observed, “As close as it is, and we do believe it‘s super close right now, that also means that if things change, even just a little bit, it‘s not really close.”

“It isn’t,” Enten agreed. “So we have been talking about the idea that there‘s going to be a historically close election. I think I might have said it on this particular program, but in fact- will the winner get at least 300 electoral votes? The answer is, majority [chance] yes.”

He then broke down how there may be a “relative blowout” in store for the 2024 election.

“There is a…60% chance that the winner of this election gets at least 300 electoral votes versus just a 40% chance that the winner ends up getting less than 300 electoral votes,” he said. “So for all the talk that we had about this election being historically close, which it is, chances are the winner will still actually score a relative blowout in the Electoral College.”


Enten also announced Friday morning that former President Donald Trump has a real chance of winning the popular vote.


A New York Times and Siena College poll released Friday morning shows Trump and Harris in a tie, each with 48 percent, in a matchup between the two of them.

However, when other candidates are added in, the poll shows Trump leading by one point, 47 percent to 46 percent.

The poll also shows that only 28% of voters believe the United States is currently on the right tract, and a whopping 61% say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

In addition to CNN, the New York Times as well is saying Trump could win the popular vote. The Times chief political analyst, Nate Cohn wrote about the “extremely close race” and noted that multiple polls even show Trump slightly leading.

“All of this raises a possibility that few people would have contemplated at the beginning of the cycle: a Trump victory in the national popular vote,” Cohn wrote. He also pointed out two key factors:

If Mr. Trump did win the popular vote this time, it would be straightforward to explain. The poll shows that Ms. Harris faces real headwinds — the kind that would ordinarily cost a candidate the election:

  • Just 28 percent of voters say the country is on the right track. No party has retained the White House (or won the popular vote) when such a small share of voters think things are going well.

  • President Biden’s approval rating is just 40 percent. No party has held the White House (or won the popular vote) when the president’s approval rating is that low.

A new FiveThirtyEight forecast gives Trump a 53% chance of winning the election, compared to a 47% chance for Harris.


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