POLL: Do you support Trump’s plan to use tariffs to help economy?


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If former president Donald Trump were to return to office, his plan to use tariffs would involve a strategy aimed at protecting American industries, reducing trade deficits, and potentially generating revenue for the government.

Some of Trump’s tariff proposals include an across-the-board tariff of 10% to 20% on all imports into the United States, including a higher tariff of up to 60%, specifically targeted at Chinese imports. 

Net benefits to utilizing tariffs would be making domestic production more competitive, thereby preserving or creating jobs in the U.S., particularly in manufacturing sectors. Tariffs could generate significant revenue for the U.S. government, which could be used to fund other policy initiatives or reduce the deficit. It could also force trade partners into better trade deals.

Critics, however, claim tariffs would increase prices for everyday goods, essentially taxing consumers and ballooning inflation rates. Countries targeted by these tariffs might retaliate with their tariffs on U.S. exports, potentially reducing U.S. exports. Critics argue tariffs could lead to an economic slowdown.

We want to ask you, the reader: do you support Trump’s plan to use tariffs to help the economy? Answer in our poll below and comment your thoughts on Trump’s tariff proposals.

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