REPORT: Biden-Harris Admin Pushes Judges To Bring Gender Ideology Into The Courtroom


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From the Daily CallerParents increasingly find family court judges, who make life-changing decisions involving children, have fully bought into the agenda pushed by Biden-Harris administration-backed transgender activists.

State courts have for years independently hosted transgender activist groups to lecture judges on appropriate pronoun usage and the importance of “affirming” a child’s perceived identity. But now the federal government is on board: In 2023, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a $1 million grant to integrate gender ideology into juvenile justice and child welfare systems nationwide.

The grant, awarded to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), established a resource center to train judges, child welfare workers and other professionals involved with the juvenile justice system on sexuality and gender identity. The materials encourage judges to adopt an ideological framework that pits children against parents who do not support their self-selected identities.

“Gender identity is now being used as a cudgel to essentially break up family relationships,” Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the DCNF. “This is especially so in cases where parents are not affirming the gender identity of their minor children, and among other things, this particular grant is fueling the fire because we’re seeing sort of a partnership between the federal government, which is all in on the gender identity madness, and these state judges.”

The Biden administration touted the grant in a social media post on Monday, writing, “Healthy democracies and effective justice systems require the full & free participation of all members of society –regardless of sexual orientation & gender identity. @USAID’s #RuleOfLaw IDEAS Lab offers gender and #PeopleCenteredJustice resources.”

In a thread on social media, the Daily Caller shared the following disturbing details:

In 2023, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a $1 million grant to integrate gender ideology into juvenile justice and child welfare systems nationwide.

The grant, awarded to the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), established a resource center to train judges, child welfare workers and other professionals involved with the juvenile justice system on sexuality and gender identity.

In California, a judge stripped a father of custody of one of his sons in 2020 amid a divorce proceeding when he would not consent to allowing his son to undergo transgender medical procedures.

Biden administration officials looked to the “Affirm Me” program developed in Ohio as a model when crafting their new foster care rule, which requires state agencies to place children in homes that do not oppose their desires to live as the opposite sex.

To highlight the need, the OJJDP cites a 2014 study that found LGBT identifying youth are twice as likely to be arrested or detained.

“We honor every young person’s right to live their truth—openly and in safety,” OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan said in a statement.

.@DrJayRichards: “Common sense suggests the opposite: since biological sex is real—and every minor is either a male or a female—the juvenile justice system should recognize the difference and reject the categories of gender ideology.”

A glossary of terms created by the grant-funded Pride Justice Resource Center includes the phrase “chosen family,” defined as people “who support an LGBTQ2S+ person.”

“The Pride Justice Resource Center supports reforms in the juvenile justice system to address the needs of LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit youth,” NCJFCJ Juvenile Justice Program Director Cheri Ely said.

Even in a red state like Ohio, the state supreme court coordinated with an activist group to put on an LGBT training at a Fall 2023 conference for judges, according to documents obtained by the DCNF.


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