REPORT: Biden Admin Officials Planned To Create ‘Pretext For Federal Action’ Against School Board Protests


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From the Daily CallerBiden-Harris administration officials created a plan to use a letter from a third party source as a “pretext for federal action,” and stakeholders and officials discussed federal responses to school board protests, according to a new joint report from the America First Legal Foundation (AFL) and Parents Defending Education (PDE).

The report details how the Biden-Harris administration collaborated with the National School Board Administration (NSBA) and the Department of Education to target parents who protested at school board meetings.

The NSBA and the White House created a plan for the trade association to request that the federal government investigate parents under the Patriot Act, according to the report. The White House was collaborating with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to execute the NSBA’s request at the same time, AFL reported.

On Sept. 14, 2021, a Domestic Policy Council member (Jane Doe 1) and a White House staff official discussed with Biden-Harris stakeholders about federal actions regarding the school board meetings, according to the report. Stakeholders also had discussions with senior DOJ members, including at least one Civil Rights Division political appointee (Jane Doe 2). 

During those meetings, Biden-Harris officials including Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 made a plan to use a letter from an outside source “as a pretext for federal action,” according to the report.  Around this time, the DOJ was working on drafting the Garland Memo, despite concerns from DOJ staffers, AFL noted.

AFL outlines details of the scandal in a series of social media posts:

/1 Three years ago today Attorney General Garland issued a memo weaponizing the entire DOJ against parents for speaking out at school board meetings. With @DefendingEd we created a detailed timeline and are revealing shocking new details and context about the weaponized DOJ.🧵

/2 After three years and several investigations from AFL, @DefendingEd, and @Weaponization, the American public has yet to receive an apology or explanation from the Biden-Harris Administration for its involvement in attempting to violate the First Amendment by silencing concerned parents, nor has it rescinded Attorney General Garland’s baseless memorandum.

/3 Given the federal government’s failure to provide answers, AFL and @DefendingEd have worked to uncover the truth. Damning discoveries from the investigations include…

/4🚨Attorney General Garland’s memo blindsided senior officials at the FBI, including the Counterterrorism Division, and the FBI wanted to “request [that] it be reworded.”

/5🚨Multiple actors within the Biden-Harris Administration from the DOJ and Department of Education swiftly coordinated and mobilized a response to NSBA’s letter to President Biden.

/6🚨Once drafted, the DOJ prioritized giving notice of the memo’s impending release to NSBA over its own components that were directed to take action.

/7🚨Immediately after the memo became public, DOJ struggled to answer any foundational questions regarding what “specific events” or “specific groups or individuals” it was referencing in its directive.

/8🚨However, an attorney in the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division admitted that the memo was in response to pushback from parents on COVID policies and critical race theory.

/9🚨Nonetheless, seeing that the National School Boards Association (NSBA) was grateful to DOJ for “demonstrating such strong leadership on this critical issue,” Chief of Staff to Attorney General Garland Matthew Klapper congratulated his team on the memo, saying “[w]ell done.”

/10 Accordingly, today, in partnership with @DefendingEd we released a report detailing the timeline and explaining the key officials involved in Attorney General Merrick Garland’s unfounded October 4, 2021 Memorandum that directed federal criminal and counterterrorism resources within the DOJ, including the FBI and National Security Division, to target parents exercising their First Amendment right to free speech at local school board meetings to oppose Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology in the classroom.

/11 Some of the individuals involved in the rollout of this disastrous memo include multiple current and former Biden-Harris Administration officials like:

🚨Kevin Chambers (formerly an Associate Deputy Attorney General)
🚨Mary C. Wall (former member of the White House Domestic Policy Council)
🚨Matthew Klapper (Chief of Staff to Attorney General Garland)
🚨Anthony Coley (former Director of DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs)
🚨Margaret Goodlander (former Counsel to Attorney General Garland, married to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and current candidate for Congress in New Hampshire).

/12 The infamous memo was a response to the NSBA’s September 29, 2021 letter to President Biden in which they requested counterterrorism resources, including the PATRIOT Act, to be used in response to parents protesting at school board meetings.

/13 Merely five days later, Attorney General Garland issued a sweeping mandate to federal law enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged “threats” that arose from parents voicing their concerns about critical race theory, mask mandates, and other controversial issues. This flagrant assault on the First Amendment is just one of the many ways the Biden-Harris Administration has weaponized the federal government against the American people.

/14 In an effort to shed light on this egregious assault on the Constitution and war against parents, AFL and @DefendingEd have assembled a detailed chronology of the events that led up to the October 4, 2021, Memorandum to remind America’s mothers and fathers of the Biden-Harris Administration’s unprecedented use of federal law enforcement resources that were weaponized against them three years ago today.


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