NEWS ALERT: Minneapolis Swears In First Non-U.S. Citizen as Police Officer


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From Breitbart: Minneapolis, Minnesota, has sworn in its first police officer who is not a U.S. citizen, according to reports.

The Minnesota Police Dept. has reported that Lesly Vera, a native of Somalia, was sworn in on Thursday as the department’s first non-citizen officer.

Vera was seen at the swearing-in ceremony wearing a hijab over her head as she took the oath of office and received her badge.

Vera moved to Minneapolis with her parents from their arrival point in Mexico when she was four. She is a legal resident alien and authorized to work, but is not a U.S. citizen.

The report explains that the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) adopted new rules last year that allowed state law enforcement agencies to elevate non-citizens to the role of police officer.

To qualify, applicants applicants now only need to be a legal resident and cleared to work in the U.S. to be handed a gun and badge.

Defending the decision to give a non-citizen police powers, Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara declared, “There may be people who question it, but that’s completely ridiculous. There’s, like I mentioned, there is a history in this country of people immediately on arrival to the country, enlisting in the military and serving.”

“Somebody like [Officer Vera], who has been here essentially her entire life, absolutely is entitled to protect her community in the same way that anyone else here has, and we’re honored to have her,” O’Hara added.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey shared photos on Facebook and wrote, “Last night we had the honor of welcoming a new, diverse generation of Minneapolis Police Department officers. Our 23 new officers include the first Somali-American woman to join the department and the first permanent resident. A police service that looks like our residents is better able to serve our residents, and I couldn’t be more proud of the department we’re building under Chief O’Hara.”

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