LATEST: Feds seize phone from ‘right-hand woman’ of Mayor Adams


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Mayor Eric Adams’ chief adviser, Ingrid Lewis-Martin, had her phone seized by authorities at JFK Airport upon returning from a vacation in Japan, according to her lawyer and sources.

Manhattan District Attorney officials waited for her to take the device while federal prosecutors issued a subpoena for her testimony. The subpoena is connected to the federal corruption case against Adams, who was indicted this week for allegedly accepting bribes from Turkish officials and nationals.

Lewis-Martin confirmed she was served with a subpoena to testify before a grand jury during the unexpected airport encounter and admitted she had a heated exchange with federal agents.

“I have to admit that I wasn’t as polite as I normally am because I was annoyed. And I was like, well, I need a phone. I need something,” she said on her attorney Arthur Aidala’s radio show on AM 970 later Friday night, according to a New York Post report. “And then I got a little vociferous, and the gentleman was so polite, and he explained to me, Look, we don’t want to make this more than what it needs to be we don’t want to have to arrest you for being non-compliant and you know we don’t want to make this bigger.”

DA officials also raided Lewis-Martin’s Brooklyn home on Friday, seizing documents and electronic devices, according to her lawyer and sources. She revealed on a radio show that she had planned to retire in January but now intends to stay by Adams’ side as he faces his historic legal battle.

“That was the plan, but with all of this stuff I don’t see how that’s possible because I’m gonna be with my brother, you know, because I don’t believe that he has done anything,” she said. “We are imperfect, but we’re not thieves, and I do believe that in the end, that the New York City public will see that we have not done anything illegal to the magnitude or scale that requires the federal government and the DA office to investigate us.”

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