REPORT: North Carolina election officials remove hundreds of thousands of registrants from voter rolls


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From BreitbartThe North Carolina State Board of Elections has removed hundreds of thousands of registrants from its voter rolls since last year as early voting in the state begins on Oct. 17.

On Thursday, the state’s election board announced that more than 747,000 registrants were removed from voter rolls over the last year, including nine flagged as foreign nationals, through routine voter roll maintenance that is required by federal law.

WRAL News reports:

About half of the 747,274 people removed from the voter lists are people who have recently moved or died.

Most of the rest were removed because they haven’t voted in years, and state law says that makes them ineligible to remain registered.

A small percentage were removed for various other reasons, including people recently convicted of a felony, or those who simply asked to not be a voter anymore.

In a chilling reminder, the report notes that ten years ago, in 2014, the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) had flagged more than 1,400 foreign nationals who were registered to vote in the state.

This was discovered in records obtained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) in 2023.

“After 30 years under…Motor Voter, the unintended consequences of the law are clear in North Carolina: It has never been easier to register to vote, so much so that even foreign nationals are being registered,” PILF researchers wrote.

“It is extremely difficult to prevent and remove foreign national registrations because of the NVRA’s mandates. The entire problem was hidden from the public — including the documentary proof of alien registration — for years,” PILF warned.

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