NEWS ALERT: NYC could become a dystopian hellhole run by liberal activist if Adams booted out


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From the Daily Mail: New Yorkers’ worst fears could soon be realized as the already teetering Big Apple would be run by an ultra progressive Black Lives Matter activist if Eric Adams is ousted following his federal indictment.

NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, 48, who has protested against the police, is next in line for the mayor’s office – and exactly the kind of Democrat that far-left progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have been dreaming of to run the nation’s biggest metropolis.

He would replace Adams temporarily, until there is a special election 80 days after the change of power, sparking fears among New Yorkers that things could go from bad to worse in the city.

‘A wounded Eric Adams, a weakened Eric Adams remaining in office, is better than the socialist Jumaane Williams,’ former mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa told ‘That will open up the floodgates to socialism, and we will become Chicago.’

Adams, a moderate Democrat and former cop, has been the target of progressives like AOC, who oppose his pro-NYPD views and statements denouncing the Biden administration’s migrant policies.

Just ahead of the indictment, AOC called for Adams to resign, writing, “I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City. The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign.”

“During 15 years in public service, Williams has stoked anti-police sentiment and pushed for criminal reform, including to end solitary confinement in city prisons. He is also a prominent pro-Palestine activist,” the Daily Mail warned.

“Williams was a leader of the 2020 BLM protests in NYC. In June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, he led marches to Brooklyn Borough Hall to demand NYPD budget cuts,” the report also notes.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Silwa warned, ‘This guy hates the cops, hates America. Wears a Keffiyeh. The police will no longer be able to function…. ”

Silwa said if Williams becomes mayor, the City Council “will pass so much legislation that he will sign and will never be able to be rescinded. New York City will become the socialist capital of the world.”

If Williams becomes mayor, even temporarily, it could have lasting effects for NYC and it will spark an exodus from the city, Wilwa warned.

Joe Colangelo shared the following warning: “Just some context for AOC’s resignation call: If Adams resigns, the city’s public advocate will step into the role. Jumaane D. Williams makes AOC look like Joe Manchin. Big defund the police/bail reform guy.”

Below is a post from 2020 as Williams rails against law enforcement and calls to “uproot that system.”

“As I told @TheBlackCaucus at the Capitol today, one of the reasons that transformational change in policing is so difficult is because we aren’t try to reform a system — The system is working how it was designed. We need to uproot that system and put a new one in its place,” he writes.

Williams is already gearing up for a potential rise to the mayorship. He released the following statement Thursday:

“I feel the same disbelief and indignation that I know many New Yorkers feel, upset that this is where our city is in this moment. This is a painful time, and the looming unknowns and uncertainties only add to the confusion and chaos at City Hall in an untenable situation. Justice presumes innocence until proven guilty, at the same time, these charges are even more sweeping and severe than imagined. In the face of this evidence, it is not enough to deflect blame and deny responsibility.

“It is federal officials’ obligation to prove their case, it is the mayor’s obligation to prove to New Yorkers that there is a real plan and path to govern the city effectively and regain trust, and his time to show that plan is rapidly running out.

“As the Public Advocate, my role is to fight for the transparency, accountability, and governance that New Yorkers deserve. In a moment of intense turmoil, I am committed to working with my fellow elected officials and the many thousands of incredibly dedicated public servants to ensure our city continues to operate in any eventuality.”

Reactions are pouring in on social media over just what New York City is in for if Williams becomes mayor, even temporarily.

Author and writer Scott Johnston wrote, “No one seems to be focusing on the fact that Mayor Adams will be replaced by the “Public Advocate,” Jumaane Williams, who will dovetail with AOC and the squad nicely. New York is going to get worse. So glad I left.”

“To say this would be the final nail in the coffin for NYC is an understatement. JW is basically a villain from Batman,” wrote on X user.

Matt S. wrote, “Adams should NOT resign because we would temporarily have the complete fool Jumaane Williams in his place. Even if you despise Adams, you MUST support him because if you don’t, you’re essentially supporting Jumaane Williams, who will do everything in his power to dismantle policing.”

“This is why @AOC called for Adams to resign. With her district covering the bronx and queens precincts being hammered with crime while she does NOTHING, she wanted her fellow “defund” advocate Jumaane to step in. Shes popping champagne right now,” @BeckyBravo wrote.

Ralph Napolitano wrote, “She wants @JumaaneWilliams to step in and be mayor. He’s an extreme progressive socialists who hates the cops. NYC will be worse than it is now. We can’t let happen.”

“Jumaane Williams who would replace Adams as Mayor is a self described Democrat Socialist community activist who will be far worse than Adams in terms of governance. An Occupy Wall Tree supporter, he also spearheaded the end of NYPD “stop and frisk”. He’s de Blasio on steroids,” warned Lisa.

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