NEWS ALERT: Americans urged to book any flight available to flee country on brink of war


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From Fox Business: The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon is warning Americans there to “book any ticket available” on the dwindling number of flights departing the country as fighting between Israel and Hezbollah is rapidly escalating.

In an alert issued Tuesday, the Embassy said “most airlines have suspended or cancelled flights, and many flights have sold out; however, limited commercial transportation options to leave Lebanon still remain available.

“We urge those who wish to depart Lebanon to book any ticket available to them, even if that flight does not depart immediately or does not follow their first-choice route,” the Embassy warned.

“We recommend that U.S. citizens who choose not to depart Lebanon prepare contingency plans for emergency situations and be prepared to shelter in place for an extended period of time,” it added.

“U.S. citizens who lack funds to return to the United States may contact the embassy for financial assistance to purchase tickets via repatriation loans,” the press release also advises.

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