BREAKING: Legendary NFL quarterback Brett Favre announces heartbreaking medical diagnosis during congressional testimony


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From NBC News: Former Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre said he’s been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, a stunning disclosure made to Congress on Tuesday while testifying about his potential misuse of taxpayer money.

Favre, appearing before the House Ways and Means Committee, has been accused of improperly using political connections to redirect public money to his alma mater and his own pocket.

“Sadly, I also lost an investment in a company that I believed was developing a breakthrough concussion drug I thought would help others, and I’m sure you’ll understand why it’s too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s,” Favre told lawmakers.

“This is also a cause dear to my heart. Recently, the doctor, running the company pleaded guilty to taking (public) money for his own use.”

USA Today shared the following details:

 Favre, 54, has not been criminally charged, but he is one of more than 40 people who have been sued by the state of Mississippi, demanding repayment of money through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Mississippi is trying to recover more than $90 million, of which more than $5 million went to the University of Southern Mississippi Athletic Foundation to cover the construction costs of a volleyball arena. 

Favre has repaid $1.1 million, which he received for speaking fees from a nonprofit organization, but Mississippi Auditor Shad White says he still owes nearly $730,000 in interest.

During his opening statement, Favre explained, “I wanted to help my alma mater and benefit the community. Southern Miss introduced me to the nonprofit to see if they could help with funding. I had no way of knowing that there was anything wrong with how the state funded the project especially since it was publicly approved by many state agencies and multiple attorneys including the Attorney General.”

“A court gag order bars the parties from discussing the specifics of the lawsuit,” Favre said, adding, “Instead, I’m here to share what I’ve now seen up close, about how reforms are needed to stop the misspending of TANF funds.”

Below is Favre’s full opening statement:

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