BORDER PATROL ALERT: Young children drugged and trafficked into the US by smugglers posing as their parents


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From the New York Post: Border Patrol agents are warning that kids as young as 8 are being drugged and smuggled into the US by traffickers posing as their parents or family members — and nobody knows how common the horrifying practice is.

Authorities have rescued children caught up in two different instances of such smuggling in recent weeks — including one instance in which the alleged traffickers had birth certificates for multiple kids to whom they weren’t related, according to the Border Patrol.

Border Patrol sources have told The Post they’ve observed increasing numbers of smugglers posing as family units in order to “recycle” children.

“A few years ago when they were coming in en masse, we had to let family units in. People kept coming in and after a while we noticed the kids were the same, but the parents were different. They were recycling the kids,” one Border Patrol source told The Post.

“I hate thinking about it because there were thousands of kids and who knows where they all ended up,” the source explained.

Gregory Bovino, the Border Patrol chief of California’s El Centro sector, said border agents rescued one child at the California border who had been “heavily dosed with sleep aids to prevent him from talking” to authorities.

On Aug. 29, officers working at a port of entry in San Luis, Arizona caught a woman who is a US citizen with two young children in her car who had been drugged with sleep aids as she attempted to bring them into the U.S. undetected. The woman first claimed the children were relatives and showed birth certificates, but officers soon discovered they were not related at all and the birth certificates were not for those children.

The extensive report includes multiple examples of children being used by illegal aliens to get into the United States, and notes that the number of children crossing illegally into the US alone and without relatives has skyrocketed under the Biden administration.

Whistleblowers have warned that unaccompanied children are being placed with “sponsors” in the U.S. are who not properly vetted, and thousands of those children have gone unaccounted for. The Post writes:

As of May 2024, there are 291,000 unaccompanied migrant children who were released to sponsors, but never told to appear in court — meaning federal authorities have lost contact with them.

NOTE FROM THE DML NEWS APP: Effective May 31, 2023, the Biden administration ended the DNA testing program that had been implemented by the Trump administration in 2019 to squash child trafficking, as many illegal aliens were bringing children across the border and falsely claiming the child as their own in order to qualify as a “family unit.”

Border expert and independent journalist Anthony Aguero sounded the alarm about the children being drugged and smuggled into the U.S. about a year ago, posting multiple videos of what he witnessed first hand.

In October, Aguero posted a video of a baby being carried at the border, who appears to be completely unconscious.  “This kid is drugged,” Aguero says in the video.   He writes:

I want you to take a look at this, study the body language. We have many new friends here and many have not seen any of this. This is actually happening in the United States of America. Children like this child are being sedated allowing traffickers to go undetected. Keeping the child sedated keeps the child from uncontrollable crying or from telling agents that they’re not with their parents. This is my original content. I will be sharing more today.

In another video posted on Oct. 2 of last year, a group of illegal aliens are seen sitting on the ground at the border with several toddlers, all who are passed out cold. Aguero wrote:

Drugged Children. This is the work I do and this video was the reason I was cancelled on PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Buy Me A Coffee and Cash App. Understand that this pedo cult will try to destroy you the minute you try and shine light in to what they’re doing. If you’re interested in following my content live, please find me on Locals and #BorderWars on Rumble. Help me shed some light in to the darkness on the southern border. Consider going to I need your help now more than ever to continue bringing this to light. I’m not funded by Soros or a big company, it’s just good folks like yourself and I. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Let’s keep shining the light and rescuing kids at the border.

On December 8, Aguero posted another video, showing multiple single adult males each carrying a small child.

“Coyote / Child Traffickers single males using children as a meal ticket to get in to the USA. I promise you this wasn’t his child. I notified BP. Starting tonight I will start calling the sheriffs,” Aguero declared.

In another video on Dec. 14, Aguero encounters a group of four adult men, with one of them carrying a baby boy.

“Child Trafficking. Drugged Children. I show you time and time again. Are you paying attention yet?” he asks.

In the video, Aguero grills the man carrying the child. The man claims he is the father and says he’s from Guatemala, and is going to Denver, Colorado.

“Where’s the mother?” Aguero asked. The man said the mother is still in Guatemala.

Aguero then asks how old the baby is. The man responds that the baby is 1 and a half years old – but stammers around for a birthdate, and says he was born on June 29… 2023.

One sickening video posted on December 23 shows a group of illegal aliens standing in line, waiting at the border to be processed. Aguero zones in on one man who has a little girl with him, who appears to be about 6 years old.

“This man was sexually assaulting a child at the border. These are the degenerates coming in to our country. Watch this video,” he writes.

In the video, Aguero explains what he witnessed as he shares the footage. Thanks to his quick observation of what was taking place, he alerted Border Patrol agents, who interrogated the man and ended up separating the child away from him.

Aguero approached another single adult illegal alien man in late December, who was leading a little girl by the hand.

“Read the captions, is this the dad? Study his behavior how cold he is with this little girl…,” Aguero writes.

The man claimed he is a “relative” to the little girl, and said the mother stayed behind in Guatemala. When asked for the child’s birthdate, the man said he doesn’t know, and mockingly laughed off the question.

Another video posted in mid-December shows a young girl who looks about 12 years old, and appears to have traveled to the border alone.  The fear written all over her face says it all.


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