BREAKING: Election board in crucial swing state makes major decision on how votes will be counted


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From Fox News: The election board in one of the most crucial swing states in the 2024 presidential election approved a controversial new rule that will require the hand counting of ballots on election night.

The Georgia State Election Board voted 3-2 to approve a rule that requires poll workers to count the number of paper ballots by hand after voting is completed in a decision that was opposed by the state attorney general’s office, the secretary of state’s office and an association of county election officials but supported by many conservatives.

Three board members who were praised by former President Donald Trump during a rally last month in Atlanta voted to approve the measure.

The new rule, according to the Associated Press, requires that the number of paper ballots — not the number of votes — be counted at each polling place by three separate poll workers until all three counts are the same. If a scanner has more than 750 ballots inside at the end of voting, the poll manager can decide to begin the count the following day.

Those opposing the measure claim it will delay the election results or “sow confusion.”

Georgia Election Board chair John Fervier said an “overwhelming number of election officials” who reached out to him were opposed to the change, and lamented, “I do think it’s too close to the election. It’s too late to train a lot of poll workers.”

Former Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington reacted, “GREAT NEWS! GA State Election Board passes 3-2 resolution 181-1-12-.12. HAND COUNT at precinct level to ensure the totals match with the machines. This is a HUGE win and was opposed by the Fake News, the Left, and Raffensperger.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also cheered, “YES!!! Way to go GA State Election Board!! Thank you for taking every step to fight for election integrity!!”

“This is an incredible victory for the integrity of our elections. Incredibly proud of my home state today,” declared CJ Pearson.

The liberal media is already having a meltdown:

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