VIDEO: Hillary Clinton, queen of disinformation, issues two-faced call for censorship


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Defeated 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is being widely mocked over her recent calls to have people “criminally charged” for spreading “propaganda.”

Reminder: Clinton’s 2016 campaign literally helped fund the now-debunked and discredited “Steele dossier” which made salacious claims about Donald Trump and “Russia collusion.”

In a recent MSNBC appearance, Clinton bizarrely suggested that people who spread “propaganda” should be criminally charged, and literally pushed the “Russia collusion” hoax to make her case.

Journalist Aaron Maté shared a video clip of Clinton’s remarks, and wrote:

Hillary Clinton calls for criminal charges and civil penalties against Americans “engaged” in spreading “propaganda.”

To make her argument against free speechj, she invokes the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign’s own propaganda. Speaking of which, the case that she invokes here — Mueller charging some Russians for social media activity — led to Mueller dropping the case after the Russian company showed up to fight the case in court.

A New York Post op-ed published on Wednesday begins:

Amidst all the shocks of the 2024 presidential race, who expected Hillary Clinton to ride in like Joan of Arc to rescue truth — or at least to call for the crushing of government critics?

On Monday, Hillary declared on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC talk show that the federal government should criminally prosecute Americans who share “propaganda” — which she made no effort to define.

Hillary has long been one of America’s foremost censorship advocates. In 2022, she wailed that “tech platforms have amplified disinformation and extremism with no accountability” and endorsed European Union legislation to obliterate free speech.

But as we’ve seen, “disinformation” is often simply the lag time between the government pronouncing something a falsehood and the government getting debunked.

The op-ed, written by James Bovard, hits Clinton over her blatant hypocrisy. Below is another critical excerpt:

Meanwhile, Hillary’s own career is that of a political elitist out to righteously blindfold all Americans but herself.

When she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, Clinton exempted herself from federal records requirements and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), setting up a private server in her New York mansion to illegally handle her official email.

The State Department ignored 17 FOIA requests for her emails and said it would need 75 years to release the messages of her top aides in response to a GOP lawsuit.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation shrugged it off when Hillary’s aides used a program called BleachBit to destroy 30,000 of her emails that a congressional committee had subpoenaed. Federal Judge Royce Lamberth labeled the Clinton email cover-up “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), running mate for former President Donald Trump, slammed Clinton over her calls to censor speech.

“Here is Hillary Clinton, calling for civil and criminal penalties for speech she disagrees with. But why stop at jailing your opponents? Hillary is calling for censorship, but she’s really calling for violence. Reject censorship. Reject violence,” Vance wrote.

Below are more responses to Clinton’s remarks by social media users:

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