WALKAWAY: Dem operative, DNC volunteer leaves the party: ‘Impossible to unsee what I’ve seen’ [VIDEO]


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From Fox News: A Democratic campaign operative revealed that she is exiting the party after volunteering at last month’s Democratic National Convention, which left her “disenchanted” with Democratic leadership.

In a Newsweek op-ed published Tuesday, Evan Barker described how she went from raising “tens of millions of dollars” for Democrats to distancing herself from a party she now believes is “totally out of touch” with everyday Americans.

Barker said she was initially “thrilled” to volunteer at the DNC, where Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for president.

“But once there, wandering amidst the glitz and glam, imbibing the gloss and schmaltz of it all, I couldn’t escape a sinking feeling. I felt submersed in a hollow chamber whose mottos were ‘Brat summer’ and ‘Joy’—totally out of touch with regular, every-day Americans and their pressing needs; instead, the most elite people in the world chanted in unison that “We’re not going back,” Barker wrote.

Barker explained her long history working for Democrats. She wrote, “Over the past six years, I’ve raised tens of millions of dollars for the Democrats. I’ve given thousands of hours of my mind, heart, and soul to get Democrats elected, as a Democratic fundraising consultant for federal Senate and House candidates and Left-leaning national organizations.But my work with Democrats started in high school, when I was an alternate-delegate for Hillary Clinton. Later, I interned on Barack Obama’s campaign. Most recently, I volunteered at last month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.”

Barker said she grew up near Kansas City, and her family “floated between working poor and middle class.”

“Many of my family members are proud construction workers and lifelong union members. I grew up believing that the Democrats were our party. Fast forward to today, and many of those same family members are no longer Democrats. They feel the party has changed, left them behind,” she wrote.

Below are more excerpts from her op-ed:

At the DNC, I couldn’t help but think about my family. Every time the elites chanted “We’re not going back,” what I heard was, “We’re not going back to the party your union family members used to vote for.”

Looking back now, I realize that my dissatisfaction grew slowly, bubbling just beneath the surface for a long time. In 2017, I started raising money for campaigns, working fancy fundraisers hosted by wealthy financiers, billionaire heiresses, and corporate CEOs, many of whom gave to Democrats and Republicans equally. I led candidates through hours a day of soullessly dialing up rich people and begging them for money. Not only do candidates spend most of their time talking to the rich, but the only path to elected office is to be rich, or to know lots of rich people.

Here’s the thing about donors: They have niche policy issues they care about that seldom reflect the needs of people back home. Democrats love to decry money in politics when it comes to the Koch brothers or Elon Musk, but the billionaires who support Democrats are given a total pass and have a huge influence over policy.

At first, I naively thought the system was broken. But now I realize, it isn’t broken; it’s doing what it was designed to do, which is to keep working class people from true representation. That is the point, a feature, not a bug.

In an even more brutal takedown, Barker writes:

Here’s the sad truth: The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely. They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic. They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.

“When I went to the DNC last month, I was truly hoping to be re-inspired, to feel the same love for the party I felt as a teenager when I pounded the pavement for Barack Obama,” Barker wrote, adding, “But instead of giving me back that feeling, the DNC was where it finally hit me: It’s impossible to unsee what I’ve seen. I can only go forward. I’m not going back.”

On her X profile, Barker now describes herself as an “Independent. Former Campaign Fundraiser for Democrats. Podcaster.”

Sharing a link to her Newsweek op-ed on social media, Barker wrote, “After years working inside Democrat campaigns, I see it now—the system isn’t broken, it’s working as designed. I’m done with the Democrats & I’m #NotGoingBack.”

Barker first announced her decision in a video posted to X on August 25, right after she attended the DNC in Chicago.


Barker is already being hit with backlash from Democrats.

“I’ve been called the C word twice in the last 24 hours online by two different fully grown “liberal” men,” she announced on Wednesday.

On September 8, Barker announced:

My main issues w the mainstream Democratic party as it now stands:

— Too pro war
— DGAF about the working class or people not from the coasts
— All the messaging is downstream from cringe academia and wacko activists
—Coastal condescension goes unchecked, zero awareness
—Obsessed w divisive identity politics
—Okay with fighting against the end of democracy without democracy (Kamala’s coronation)
—Allergic to economic populism
—Doesn’t talk about money in politics, minimum wage, or healthcare anymore

It’s just vibes, brat, and Dick Cheney

Barker posted the following video on Sept. 8, also explaining why she’s “done” with the Democrats.

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