BREAKING: Powerful union announces controversial decision on presidential endorsement, after members’ poll shows landslide support for Trump


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From Fox Business: The International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced Wednesday it will not endorse a candidate for president, despite releasing internal polling showing a majority of the union’s membership supports former President Trump.

Ahead of the announcement, the Teamsters posted the results of its own polling on the 2024 candidates. It showed that in an online survey, the union’s members favored Trump by 59.6% over Democratic nominee Vice President Harris, who received 34%. In a phone survey, Teamsters favored Trump over Harris, 58% to 31%.

Trump’s support among Teamsters has surged since Harris replaced President Biden at the top of the Democratic Party’s ticket, the data shows. The union’s polling prior to Biden dropping out showed Biden was ahead of Trump among members, 44.3% to 36.3%.

A little over an hour after releasing their polling data, the Teamsters Union, which boasts 1.3 million members, announced that they will not be making a presidential endorsement, for the first time in decades.

The Teamsters Union nearly always endorses Democrat candidates.  The last time the union endorsed a Republican candidate was in the 1988 election, when they endorsed George H. W. Bush.

NBC News explained: “The union supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. They also backed Barack Obama in both of his presidential runs, John Kerry in 2004 and Al Gore in 2000.”

Despite the landslide [nearly 60%] support for Trump over Harris in the newly-released polls, Teamsters has now opted to issue no endorsement at all for 2024. They claimed in their announcement:

In data publicly released earlier in the day, President Joe Biden won the support of Teamsters voting in straw polls at local unions between April-July prior to his exit from the race. But in independent electronic and phone polling from July-September, a majority of voting members twice selected Trump for a possible Teamsters endorsement over Harris.

The union’s extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump.

The non-endorsement is considered a blow to the Harris campaign, although conservatives are also blasting the union as cowards for not endorsing Trump.

O’Brian praised Trump in his speech at the RNC in July:

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