MUST-SEE VIDEOS: Black Voters Slam Mayor for ‘Destroying Black Community’ with Migrant Flood


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From Breitbart: Self-professed “progressive” Chicago Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson got an earful over his failed migrant policies from an elderly black resident at a recent town hall.

The woman, who said she was 80 years old and grew up in the Jim Crow South, said that Johnson’s pro-migrant policies are literally destroying the Windy City’s black communities.

“All I can say to you is that you are a disgrace,” the distraught woman said at the outset of her comments.

“I’m an 80-year-old woman, and I’ve never seen anything like this. I grew up in the Jim Crow South, and the policies that you’re passing in this city remind me of the Jim Crow South,” she continued.

In her scorching rebuke, the woman added, “I had to drink out of a colored water fountain, or the whites would drink out of a white water fountain. But you know what I didn’t have to worry about? Going back to my community and it would be destroyed. And everybody else is in my community, but black people. And this is what you’ve done with this immigration.”

“You have allowed all these people. You’ve brought all these people into this city. You are destroying this city!” she declared, adding, “And the black community is flooded with all these immigrants, violent ones, prostitution, gangs. You did that! You are doing this to your people. You are an absolute disgrace to me!”

Still not done, she added, “Women are crying, taxes are going up. What am I going to do with my children? Where are we going to go and live? This is because of you, Brandon Johnson! You’re destroying the black Southside of Chicago with your policies. All under the Democratic Party. You are a disgrace!”

WATCH her full rant below:

Another Black woman blasted the mayor and the city council, saying that Chicago is one billion dollars in debt to the illegal aliens pouring into their city.

“A bunch of illegal immigrations, stealing our money!” the woman screamed in anger.


In another video, a Black man also highlighted the billion-dollar debt due to the illegal immigrants, “who are not vetted… nobody knows who they are, nobody knows where they came from, nobody knows their background, they’re coming over here committing crimes…”

“The Democrat Party claims to be the party of democracy,” he said, noting the taxpayers are suffering because of illegal aliens.

He blasted those who blame Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for busing the migrants to Chicago, and said the true blame lies with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


WHAT SET OFF THE FIRESTORM: Bloomberg just reported last week, “Chicago halts hiring as deficit tops $1 Billion through 2025.” The report begins:

Effective Monday, Chicago is limiting non-essential travel and overtime expenses outside of public safety spending, budget director Annette Guzman said in an emailed statement. Chicago is staring down an estimated $222.9 million deficit this year and another $982.4 million projected gap next year.

“These measures, while necessary, reflect our commitment to responsible fiscal management during a time of financial uncertainty,” Guzman said in the statement. City officials including the budget and finance teams “are working diligently to navigate these financial challenges and ensure the continued delivery of essential services to our residents.”

Mayor Brandon Johnson, who is crafting his second spending plan, is trying to make good on his progressive social and economic campaign promises while grappling with the city’s challenging finances. He will outline his budget — including how he plans to close the 2025 gap — in the next month or two. The Chicago City Council then will vote on the proposal by the end of 2024.

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