REPORT: Tech CEO who went viral for pro-Trump email defends call to action


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From Fox Business: A tech CEO who went viral after sending his customer database a “Trump 2024” message defended his call to action over political “hate” ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino spoke with Fox News Digital to discuss what prompted him to take action against the politically charged “haters” with the now-viral email and X post, and explained how business moguls can utilize their platforms to make a difference and foster political tolerance.

“I think anyone that’s influential in general should speak up and help solve this problem,” Constantino said. “The only way it’s going to go away is if influential people that can speak to both sides speak up… I know for a fact there’s a lot of… good-hearted people, kind-hearted people, like myself, and just people of great backgrounds like myself that are quiet Trump supporters. Everybody knows this.”

“I’ve been saying for a while, if everyone spoke up in unison, this problem would go away very quickly,” he continued. “Whether you’re a CEO or… a business or athlete or academic or whoever you are.”

Constantino posted the following statement on X on July 13, the day Trump was shot at the Butler, PA campaign rally:

Donald Trump was shot. I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far. People are terrified to admit they support Trump. I’ve been scared myself. Americans shouldn’t live in fear.

I support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule do. Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden. The political hate needs to stop. Today a bullet almost killed Donald Trump. He’s got 5 kids. One’s still a teenager.

No one should have to die and sacrifice the happiness of their family to run for office. If Donald Trump can risk that, the least the rest of us can do is vocalize our support and help end the hate.

The more people realize that kind-hearted, compassionate people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end. I’m speaking up today and will do more in the future to stop this insane political hate.

Awesome people, all over the world, love Trump. Don’t limit your friendships, and diminish your happiness by indulging in political hate. Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.

Anthony Constantino
Cofounder, Sticker Mule

Constantino released a new statement on Sunday, after second assassination attempt against Trump was thwarted in West Palm Beach, Florida:


They try to bankrupt him with lawfare. They try to hurt his family. They try to put him in jail. And now, they tried to kill Trump twice.

Will they start trying to kill Trump supporters next? Anti-Trump hate is a BIG problem that must be fixed. Lots of people are speaking up to fix it, but the people who lit the fire must apologize to restore UNITY to America.

Hillary Clinton must apologize for calling Trump voters deplorables.

Joe Biden must apologize for the “Fine People Hoax.”

Others who owe Americans an apology for their role in fanning the flames of anti-Trump hate include Jack Dorsey, Sam Altman, Paul Graham, Reid Hoffman, Paul Krugman, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, almost everyone at MSNBC, and many more.

Mark Zuckerberg is off the list because he has already apologized and praised Trump, which has helped immensely.

The sooner people come forward and issue statements to apologize for and explain that they provoked anti-Trump hate on false pretenses, often for their own benefit, the faster we’ll fix the problem and have a happier USA and world.

Anthony Constantino
CEO, Sticker Mule

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