F FOR FACT CHECK: Pro-life group demands ABC News moderators correct claim about abortion


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A pro-life group, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, has expressed dissatisfaction with ABC News following a presidential debate where moderator Linsey Davis fact-checked former President Trump on abortion claims.

The group urged ABC News to issue a correction and requested a meeting with abortion survivors to discuss the matter, according to a Fox News Digital report.

“[The] ABC News Presidential Debate featured network moderator Linsey Davis attempting to debunk former President Trump’s assertion that some states allow for the killing of an infant after birth,” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America president Marjorie Dannenfelser wrote in the letter.

During the debate, Trump brought up controversial remarks from 2019 by former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, which Davis immediately scrutinized for accuracy.

In 2019, former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam discussed third-trimester abortions, suggesting that if a baby were born alive, decisions on resuscitation would involve the mother and doctors. Trump’s mention of this during the debate led to an immediate rebuttal from Davis.

“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,” Davis said.

Dannenfelser criticized ABC’s moderator for inaccuracy, urging a correction: “This is 100% inaccurate. Her statement tragically ignores the reality of babies who survive failed, late-term abortions but are denied basic medical care and left to die.”

She additionally wrote in the letter: “We are writing to request a swift correction from Ms. Davis and ABC News. It is undeniable that babies are born in this country after failed abortions, as the facts below demonstrate. A correction from the network and the debate moderators is an important first step in acknowledging this fact. We also encourage ABC to meet with abortion survivors who are a living testament to the need for born-alive protections.”

The pro-life advocate supported their correction request with claims of multiple instances where babies survived abortions but died afterward, referencing CDC data from 2003-2014 suggesting 143 such deaths, and a report from The Dispatch noting eight similar cases in Minnesota under Governor Walz’s term.

“It’s also a fact that, as a U.S. senator, Kamala Harris voted against protections for babies born alive after failed abortions. And as a member of Congress, her running mate Tim Walz even issued a public apology for ‘accidentally’ voting for said legislation after he previously voted against it,” Dannenfelser wrote.

The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life president requested an in-person meeting with ABC honchos to speak directly with abortion survivors, though it remains to be seen if the network will oblige.

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