NEWS ALERT: New state assessment reveals alarming data on Minnesota school system


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Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Tim Walz, who Kamala Harris has chosen for her running mate, continuously touts his background as a teacher, but new data just released this week indicates the Minnesota school system is in deep trouble.

Over one-half of Minnesota students are not meeting standards for reading, math or science, a state assessment revealed.

From Fox News: Minnesota students are not meeting testing standards in three core learning categories, according to newly released state assessment data.

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) on Thursday released new data that revealed that more than half of students in the state are not meeting standards in math, reading and science. The tests are administered by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and the alternate assessment, the Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS), which are statewide assessments that help districts measure student progress.

The findings found that 60.4% of students in Minnesota are underperforming in the subject of science, with only 39.5% meeting the state standards.

The results also found that in math, 54.5% either do not meet or only partially meet requirements for the subject.

The assessment also revealed that a whopping 50.2% of students are either not meeting or only partially meeting standards for reading, while about 49.8% are meeting standards.

The Minnesota Parents Alliance reacted in outrage, and posted the following statement:

MN taxpayers are paying the most they ever have for public education and test scores are at all-time lows. How can we be spending billions and less than half of kids can read at grade level? Simple. Administrators aren’t educators. School boards are cutting reading specialists and hiring DEI coordinators.

Our schools don’t have a funding problem, they have an allocation problem.

MN district admin staff keeps growing despite declining student enrollment

Local elections matter. This year, elect candidates who will prioritize student achievement. Look for our statewide Voter Guide, coming soon!

Minnesota House Republicans also responded, writing on X:

Another dismal MCA test score report from @GovTimWalz’s education department — an astonishing 53.5% of Minnesota 3rd Graders are not reading at grade level.

Since @GovTimWalz took office:

Math scores 🔻17%
Reading scores 🔻16%
Science scores🔻23%

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