VIDEO: Newly released footage shows Pelosi declaring Trump has to pay a price


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From The Hill: Newly released footage taken the day after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol shows then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stressing the importance of staying focused on former President Trump’s role in encouraging the riot.

The video, released to HBO by Pelosi’s daughter — who is a documentary filmmaker — and obtained by CNN after it was obtained by Congress, shows Pelosi the day after the rampage, rebuffing her communications director as he noted many were calling for the firing of the then-chief of the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP).

“I think our focus has to be on the president. Let’s not divert ourselves,” Pelosi is heard saying during the call.

She stressed that the calls to remove USCP Chief Steven Sund should not be allowed to distract from a discussion she felt should be squarely focused on Trump.

Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, touted of the newly-released footage, “Hope you appreciate the cinematography: backwards and in heels! Now if you want context, go watch Pelosi in The House! Streaming now on HBO!”

The video includes nearly an hour of footage of Pelosi from January 5, 6 and 7, 2021, including her evacuation from the Capitol on January 6.

At around 3:30 a.m. on January 6, Pelosi rages against Trump, saying, “I just feel sick what he did to the Capitol and to the country today. He’s gotta pay a price for that.”

“There’s a domestic enemy in the White House,” Pelosi raged at one point.

In another clip, Pelosi is seen admitting she failed to call in the National Guard.

“We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out.”

“We have totally failed. We need to take some responsibility for not moving to secure…”

Another video had already been released earlier, of Pelosi riding in a car and again lamenting that she didn’t have the National Guard there.

“ I can’t believe the stupidity.. I take full responsibility,” she says while speaking to her chief of staff Terri McCullough.

“I feel responsible. We have a responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous,” she says.

The following video is also circulating on social media, of Pelosi literally explaining the “wrap-up smear” tactic during a weekly press briefing on June 22, 2017.  Pelosi was accusing Republicans of using the tactic against Democrats.

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