NEWS ALERT: Scathing inspector general report released on unaccompanied children allowed into US by Biden-Harris administration


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From Breitbart: President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s agencies have released hundreds of thousands of migrant children from the southern border into the United States. A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General (IG) report reveals many are “at risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.”

The DHS IG report looked into the massive pipeline under Biden and Harris where Unaccompanied Migrant Children (UCs) arrive at the border, are taken into DHS custody before being transferred to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) custody, and more likely than not resettled with adult sponsors in American communities — the majority of whom are not the UC’s biological parents.

In particular, the report notes that from Fiscal Year 2021 through Fiscal Year 2023, Biden and Harris’s agencies have released about 365,705 UCs into the U.S. interior. For comparison, the last two fiscal years of the Trump administration released just about 83,100 UCs into the U.S. interior.

The IG report reveals that between 2019 and 2023, over 32,000 ‘unaccompanied’ illegal alien children did not show up for their immigration hearings, and over 291,000 weren’t given required court notices at all.

The Biden-Harris administration reportedly has no idea where the children are.

Below is an excerpt from the alarming report:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could not monitor the location and status of all unaccompanied migrant children (UCs) or initiate removal proceedings as needed. During our ongoing audit to assess ICE’s ability to monitor the location and status of UCs who were released or transferred from the custody of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), we learned ICE transferred more than 448,000 UCs to HHS from fiscal years 2019 to 2023. However, ICE was not able to account for the location of all UCs who were released by HHS and did not appear as scheduled in immigration court. ICE reported more than 32,000 UCs failed to appear for their immigration court hearings from FYs 2019 to 2023. [Emphasis added]

Additionally, even though HHS is responsible for the care and custody of UCs, ICE did not always inform HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) when UCs failed to appear in immigration court after release from HHS’ custody. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers at only one of the eight field offices we visited stated they attempted to locate the UCs. ICE also did not serve a Notice to Appear (NTA) on all UCs, after release from HHS custody, who warranted placement in removal proceedings under 8 U.S. Code Section 1229(a). As of May 2024, ICE had not served NTAs on more than 291,000 UCs who therefore do not yet have an immigration court date. [Emphasis added]

Breitbart also points out that the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Director Robin Dunn Marcos admitted last October that background checks on adult sponsors are done in “some cases” but not all.

The House Homeland GOP committee shared a link to the report and wrote, “DHS OIG CONFIRMS: The Biden-Harris administration is releasing hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied alien children without any way to track their whereabouts or status. The administration is simply enabling the cartels and human traffickers.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson said, “This shocking new report confirms our darkest fears and exposes the failures of Kamala Harris. This administration has lost track of hundreds of thousands of migrant children, likely putting many in the hands of bad actors. We impeached Secretary Mayorkas and we will continue to hold this administration accountable for their alarming failures.”

“Under border czar Kamala Harris, there are OVER 290,000 children illegally in the US who are unaccounted for,” House Republicans noted.

Journalist Ali Bradley commented on the report, writing:

NEW: Scathing @DHSgovOIG report shows that ICE cannot always monitor what happens to unaccompanied minors after they are released from DHS/HHS custody and they’re missing court dates or don’t even have them—The report found that between 2019 and 2023, over 32K kids missed their hearings, and more than 291k didn’t get their required court notices at all. “

Although ORR is responsible for the care and custody of UCs (unaccompanied children), ICE retains responsibility for managing their immigration cases.” The report calls on ICE to take immediate action saying these children are at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation or forced labor. ICE responded saying that unaccompanied minors aren’t given their NTAs until they are placed with a sponsor.

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