REPORT: Red State Court Rules Minors Do Not Need Parental Consent For Abortions


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From the Daily CallerThe Montana Supreme Court ruled against a law on Wednesday that requires parental consent for minors to obtain an abortion.

The ruling sides with Planned Parenthood, which challenged a 2013 statute called the “Parental Consent for Abortion Act of 2013,” according to the court ruling. Justice Laurie McKinnon, who delivered the court’s opinion, wrote in the ruling that the “classification created by the Legislature” violated a minor’s right “to control her body.”

“A minor’s right to control her reproductive decisions is among the most fundamental of the rights she possesses, and because the State has failed to demonstrate a real and significant relationship between the statutory classification and the ends asserted, we hold that the Consent Act violates the Constitution of the State of Montana,” the ruling states.

The office of Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, who appealed a district court’s ruling in the case in 2023, said the decision Wednesday went against the will of the people of Montana.

“Wednesday’s decision further proves how radical and out-of-touch the Montana Supreme Court is with their constituents,” Chase Scheuer, press secretary for Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Rather than do what’s right to protect the health and well-being of babies and children, the justices sided with their campaign donors – Planned Parenthood.”

The report explains that the ‘Consent Act’ was scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2013, but it was put on hold after Planned Parenthood filed a complaint.

One social media user pointed out that in Montana, no one can perform a body piercing on a minor without parental permission… but no permission is required for an abortion.

The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group wrote in disgust, “The MT Supreme Court just struck down the state’s parental consent law thanks to litigation from Planned Parenthood. This is Big Abortion’s game plan for states with abortion on the ballot. They believe girls who aren’t old enough to get their ears pierced on their own should be able to get an abortion without mom or dad ever knowing.”

Planned Parenthood is celebrating their victory, and wrote, “Montana’s Supreme Court reaffirmed what we already know: your decision to have an abortion should be your own.”

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