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Ezekiel 18:23

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

[From the New International Version]

This verse, Ezekiel 18:23, highlights God’s compassion and mercy even towards the wicked. It begins with God asking if He takes pleasure in their death, clearly stating that He does not. This shows that God’s nature is not one of vindictive judgment.

The verse then shifts to what truly pleases God: when people turn from their sinful ways and choose life. God’s deepest desire is for repentance, which leads to life and restoration. His focus is on redemption rather than punishment.

For the people of Israel, this message was a call to change, as they faced judgment for their sins. Through Ezekiel, God offered them an opportunity to return to Him. This was a chance to avoid the consequences of their actions through repentance.

Ultimately, this verse shows that God prefers life and repentance over death and judgment. He desires to see people restored to a right relationship with Him. God finds joy when we turn from sin and embrace the life He offers.