VIDEO: Biden admin official makes admission about Walz’s military record


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From Fox News: Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz “slipped up” only “one time” on his military record, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg argued Sunday.

CNN’s “State of the Union” co-host Dana Bash asked Buttigieg to comment about Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s ongoing attacks against Walz, claiming Walz lied about details of his military service for political gain.

Buttigieg dismissed Vance’s claims, suggesting they prove Walz’s spotless record.

“The fact that they have to go back to find a clip from 2018 to find the one time that he slipped up when he talks about the weapons of war that he carried and said something instead about carrying weapons in war. It‘s kind of an exception that proves the rule in terms of how hard you have to look to find him all saying anything that isn‘t precise and accurate,” Buttigieg said.

Walz is being called out for his previous remarks which falsely imply he served in war. The Harris campaign as since admitted that Walz ‘misspoke.’

“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” Walz says in a video that was touted by the Harris campaign.

Excusing Walz, Buttigieg claimed, “I think in many ways its the exception that proves the rule, if the only thing they can find about Tim Walz to complain about is to disparage his military record that was clearly honorable.”

Watch below:

But it’s not the only thing to complain about.  Others are pointing out that Walz also lied about his rank.

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